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Last updated: June 30, 2023

Mercedes-Benz Puts ChatGPT in the Driver’s Seat

Mercedes-Benz rolls out the first ChatGPT voice assistant car program.

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Hey Mercedes, Mercedes’ voice assistant feature, is on the brink of a significant upgrade as Mercedes-Benz and Microsoft team up to introduce the first ChatGPT car integration. With the help of Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service technology, the integration will see ChatGPT engaging in a humanlike dialogue with Mercedes drivers to answer questions, provide suggestions, and more.

How Mercedes Will Put ChatGPT Into More Than 900,000 Vehicles

Since June 16, drivers with the MBUX Voice Assistant service Hey Mercedes, available in more than 900,000 vehicles, have been able to participate in Mercedes’s three-month ChatGPT beta program. The program is optional, and drivers can enroll in the program through their Mercedes app or with the voice command, “Hey Mercedes, I want to join the beta program.”

Mercedes claims Hey Mercedes will become capable, intuitive, and humanlike through the ChatGPT integration.

How ChatGPT Adds to Your Voice Assistance Experience

With the new integration, Hey Mercedes will still be able to complete its regular set of commands, which include turning up the volume, adjusting the temperature, providing you with real-time weather reports, adding a stop to your drive, and making a phone call.

On top of its normal set of functions, the system will benefit from significant conversation upgrades that allow it to:

  • Engage in natural, humanlike conversation
  • Maintain a back-and-forth dialogue with the driver (or passengers)
  • Remember conversations so you can pick up where you left off without having to provide additional context
  • Respond to a wide set of questions and offer suggestions about your surrounding area and destination
  • Provide you with recommendations unrelated to your drive, like last-minute dinner recipes or birthday gift ideas
  • Send texts via voice-to-text commands
  • Answer complex questions about niche or technical topics
  • Purchase concert/movie tickets and make restaurant reservations for you

While Mercedes aims to generate ease and convenience for drivers, some studies show that voice-activated car assistants aren’t any safer than using a phone while driving. Research from Texas A&M University shows that driver response times are significantly delayed when people text and drive, even if they’re using a voice-to-text assistant; yet, driver performance while texting was about the same with and without voice-assistant features.1 In the same vein, AAA research found that all hands-free systems “increased mental distraction to potentially unsafe levels.”2

The good news for Mercedes is that it will be able to collect safety data through the three-month beta program, providing it with concrete results about how safe or unsafe the program was for its drivers.


Seventy-three percent of Americans admit to texting while driving, and 1 in 20 drivers admits to having caused an accident due to texting and driving, according to our distracted driving research.

Will Your Conversations With ChatGPT Be Private?

How companies collect, store, and manage data is always a relevant question with any voice, virtual, or digital assistant technology that can listen, record, and store your conversations over long periods of time. Mercedes will collect, store, and anonymously analyze all user data in the Mercedes-Benz cloud. That means that you should expect that someone will access and review your conversations with Hey Mercedes, even if they can’t identify you or passengers in the conversation.

Mercedes pledges that customers will be informed when their information is collected and for what reason. The automaker has promised that all data collected through the beta testing will be “scrupulously monitored for manipulation and misuse.”


Mercedes-Benz won’t be the only automaker to introduce vehicles with ChatGPT. Following its own partnership with Microsoft in 2021, General Motors has plans to integrate ChatGPT into its vehicles as well. In a 2023 interview with Reuters, GM Vice President Scott Miller said ChatGPT will be in every GM vehicle eventually, although he did not specify a time frame.3 With Walmart, Google, and other multinational corporations investing in autonomous vehicles and machine learning in cars, you can expect more AI vehicle integrations in the years to come.

Ali Saleh
Written by:Ali Saleh
Staff Writer & Editor
Ali Saleh is a copywriter with nearly 10 years of experience in content writing, editing, and journalism. Ali’s work has been featured on a number of notable sites and publications, including MSN,’s award-winning newsletter, and Groove Korea, South Korea’s largest English-print magazine. Today, he writes for dozens of brands, providing expert guides and informative articles on auto insurance, healthcare, recruiting technology, business, and more. Ali holds a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from North Carolina State University.


  1. Voice-to-Text Driver Distraction Study. Texas A&M Transportation Institute. (2023).

  2. New Hands-free Technologies Pose Hidden Dangers for Drivers. Newsroom. (2015, Oct 22).

  3. GM explores using ChatGPT in vehicles. Reuters. (2023, Mar 13).