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Last updated: December 18, 2024

7 Things Not to Do After a Car Accident

How to avoid the biggest pitfalls and mistakes drivers make after a car accident.

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After an accident, many well-intentioned drivers end up unknowingly incriminating themselves by admitting fault, neglecting their injuries, and making other mistakes that get them into trouble. And it’s not hard to imagine why: Understandably, the aftermath of a car accident makes it hard for people to think clearly and follow the best course of action.

And that’s why we’re here. By knowing what not to do after an accident, you can avoid the most common mistakes that drivers make.


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the total number of car crashes due to distracted driving in 2022 reached over 289,000.1

1. Do Not Flee the Scene

Regardless of who is at fault or how serious you think the damages are, do not leave the scene after a car accident. Most states require you to stay at the scene of an accident by law. Failure to do so could result in a misdemeanor or felony, large fines, license suspension, or even prison time.

According to NHTSA, there are almost 860,000 hit-and-run accidents a year. Roughly half a million of these accidents result in injury, and almost 3,000 result in deaths.

2. Do Not Admit Fault

You might feel the need to apologize to the other driver, argue with them, or explain your side of the accident. This would be a big mistake. Statements you may not think twice about, such as expressing incredulity or sympathy to the driver, may be used against you later during the claims process (whether or not you’re at fault in the car accident).

Other than exchanging information with the other party, you shouldn’t really discuss anything with them. And when speaking to an officer for the police report, it’s important to stick to the facts. If you’re concerned you might incriminate yourself by answering an officer’s question, you have the right to tell them you’d rather wait to have an attorney present before answering any more questions.

3. Do Not Lose Your Temper

Road rage and frustrations while driving can lead to accidents on the road, but it’s important not to lose your cool in the moment. Remaining calm can help you avoid a physical altercation and ensure you don’t say anything that can be used against you in a claim or lawsuit.

Even if the other party is at fault, you will not help yourself by getting heated, angry, or aggressive with the other driver.

4. Do Not Speak to the Other Party’s Insurance Provider

Especially immediately after an accident, the other driver’s insurance may try to contact you to gain additional information that could be used against you. Unless you have a lawyer present to guide you through the process, there’s no benefit to speaking with the other party’s provider.

You are obligated to contact and communicate with your own insurance provider only, not the other party’s (known as third-party car insurance).

If the third-party’s insurance needs information from you, they can contact your provider to retrieve it. Always direct questions to your provider, and allow their representatives to handle communications between parties.


You might be wondering who you should call first in an accident. First, call the police. Then, call your insurance provider. You need to report the accident to your provider in a timely manner (the time limit depends on your state); if you don’t, your provider could deny you coverage for your claims.

5. Don’t Exchange Money With the Other Party

In most cases, it is actually legal for you and the other party to exchange money directly after an accident. As long as the accident doesn’t result in a death or injury/property damages over a certain dollar amount (usually $500 to $1,000), you don’t have to file a police report. Be sure to check your local guidelines as the law differs from state to state.

However, we don’t recommend paying out of pocket. You may be tempted to accept an immediate cash offer instead of going through the lengthy insurance claims process, but neither you or the other party knows the extent of the damages, injuries, and costs associated with the accident.

Any offer you make or accept is an educated guess at best. Plus, if you have any injuries — especially a head injury that develops over time — you may not have as much leverage to get the compensation you actually need to treat them.

6. Don't Leave the Scene of an Accident Without …

While you’re waiting for the police to arrive at the scene, you should exchange contact information with the other driver, take photos and videos of damages/injuries, and gather notes. Specifically, you should get and make note of the following information:

  • Names of everyone involved in the accident
  • Addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Driver’s license number of the other driver
  • License plate number
  • Road conditions
  • Any property damage
  • Insurance information (name of the insurance company and policy number)

You might also want to gather the names and numbers of any nearby witnesses. All of this information will help you with the police report, claims process, and any lawsuits.


Take a picture of the other party’s insurance card to make sure you have all the necessary information.

7. Don’t Neglect Your Injuries

With the pain-numbing adrenaline pumping and the urgency of the moment springing you to action, it’s easy to overlook the severity of your injuries (especially internal injuries) and not seek medical attention. You might walk away from the accident thinking you’re fine, only to later experience fatigue, soreness, or a more serious head injury hours or days later.

Research from the CDC has shown that motor vehicle crashes were a leading cause of traumatic brain injury, which led to 69,000 deaths in 2021.2 The sooner you get checked by a doctor, the sooner you can get the help you need and gain the proper compensation for your bodily injuries. Even if you have a less severe injury, like a cut or bruises, make sure you get checked by a medical professional.

What to Do After an Accident

  1. Call 911: Whether or not someone is hurt, you should always call 911 after an accident so you can make a recorded statement. In some states, calling the police after an accident is legally required. And if the other driver is at fault and has hit your car, you’ll want to document that information with the police as soon as possible.
  2. Exchange information: As noted above, while you don’t want to get into an argument or confrontation with the other party, you do want to exchange information. If you hit someone’s parked car or, worse, they hit your parked car, you should leave a note or look for a note they may have left you.
  3. Contact your insurance provider: In some cases, you’ll have to reach out to your provider directly after an accident to get coverage. Letting your provider know as soon as possible will ensure you get your repairs faster, account for all the vehicle damages/injuries, and avoid difficult claims situations (such as if the other driver doesn’t have insurance, requiring uninsured motorist coverage).
Ali Saleh
Written by:Ali Saleh
Staff Writer & Editor
Ali Saleh is a copywriter with nearly 10 years of experience in content writing, editing, and journalism. Ali’s work has been featured on a number of notable sites and publications, including MSN,’s award-winning newsletter, and Groove Korea, South Korea’s largest English-print magazine. Today, he writes for dozens of brands, providing expert guides and informative articles on auto insurance, healthcare, recruiting technology, business, and more. Ali holds a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from North Carolina State University.


  1. NHTSA Launches Put the Phone Away or Pay Campaign; Releases 2023 Fatality Early Estimates. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (2024, Apr 1).

  2. Facts About TBI. CDC. (2024).