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Last updated: September 16, 2024

GEICO DriveEasy Review 2025

GEICO DriveEasy offers an upfront discount, but it can increase your rates.

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GEICO advertises its DriveEasy program as an easy way to reward safe drivers with savings.

The DriveEasy feature is included in the GEICO mobile app, making it easy to enroll in the program. You’ll get a discount just for signing up. As you drive, the app tracks your driving habits and aggregates them into a score, which determines whether you get a discount or a surcharge after 45 days for the initial period and then at each policy renewal.

In this review, I’ll walk you through how DriveEasy works, what discounts to expect, and whether the discount program is right for you. My review is based on industry research and experiences directly from a DriveEasy customer.

In addition to DriveEasy, we’ve reviewed other safe driving discount programs, like Allstate Drivewise and State Farm Drive Safe & Save. If you’re an older or younger driver looking for ways to save, we’ve put together a safe driving guide for older adults and safety tips for teen drivers and parents.

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Quick Look: GEICO DriveEasy Pros and Cons


  • Integrated into the GEICO mobile app

  • Drivers get 10% off just for signing up, and up to 25% when renewing

  • Offers feedback to encourage safe driving


  • Only available in 38 states

  • Can raise your rates

  • Requires all drivers on a policy to enroll

What Does GEICO DriveEasy Monitor?

GEICO DriveEasy is a discount program that uses an app to track your driving habits. DriveEasy bases your driving score on the following:

  • Distractions: Avoid using your phone when driving
  • Braking and Acceleration: Slow down and speed up gently
  • Cornering: Drive around corners at low speeds
  • Smoothness: Maintain consistent speeds

The app also tracks other factors, including late-night driving, distance driven, weather conditions, and the consistency of your routes, and uses this information to calculate a driving score. As you use DriveEasy, you’ll receive driving tips to help you raise your score and maximize your savings.

How Much Do You Save With GEICO DriveEasy?

Once all drivers on a policy sign up for DriveEasy, you get up to 10 percent off. The exact amount you’ll save for signing up depends on your location, which you’ll find out when you get a quote. Depending on your driving habits, you can get up to 25 percent off. If you have multiple drivers on a policy, all drivers must use DriveEasy for you to qualify for the discount.

Before signing up for DriveEasy, be aware that the app can raise your rates if it detects risky driving behavior. Additionally, like virtually all safe driving programs, customers report it is near impossible to earn the full 25 percent discount for safe driving.

When Do You Start Earning the DriveEasy Discount?

You’ll receive up to a 10 percent discount upon signing up, then your driving score will apply to your premium 45 days after your policy begins. Unlike some usage-based discount programs from other providers, like Allstate Drivewise, GEICO doesn’t require a minimum number of trips to earn a higher discount. As you continue using DriveEasy, you’ll see discounts reflected at each policy renewal based on your latest driving score.

How Does GEICO DriveEasy Work?

Setting Up DriveEasy

Getting started on DriveEasy is easy since it’s already integrated into the GEICO mobile app. Once you log in, select the DriveEasy icon. You’ll be directed to a screen to accept permissions to allow the app to log your trips automatically. I spoke to a colleague who is a DriveEasy customer, and she confirmed that the app is easy to set up and runs unobtrusively in the background.

Trip Tracking

The DriveEasy app automatically tracks when you’re driving, which is convenient—for the most part. The downside to automatic trip-tracking is that when you’re a passenger—even in another vehicle, like a taxi or rideshare—you’ll need to manually update your driving role on the app to keep it from impacting your driving score.

This problem is not unique to DriveEasy—other app-based programs, like Allstate Drivewise and Liberty Mutual RightTrack, have the same issue. Programs that give you an option to track your driving with a plug-in device, like State Farm Drive Safe & Save or Progressive Snapshot, don’t have this same issue.

My colleague reports it’s a simple process to change her status for a trip from driver to passenger, which you can see in the screenshot below.

GEICO EasyDrive App

GEICO EasyDrive Trip History

GEICO EasyDrive Driving Roles

Another downside of DriveEasy is if you use your phone at all while driving, it’ll be counted as a distraction incident. My colleague reports that using CarPlay or Siri on the infotainment screen in her car counts as a distraction incident (equivalent to unlocking her phone and using it while driving), even for simple gestures like advancing her song choice while listening to music in the car.

Finally, while not specific to DriveEasy, my colleague reports that she has to constantly re-enroll in FaceID in the GEICO app, despite selecting to continually use the option.

Data Privacy

When you use the DriveEasy app, GEICO tracks your location at all times. The provider states that it doesn’t sell any driving info the app collects to third parties. However, its privacy policy mentions that it may share your location data with third parties in its business operations, which include service providers, state insurance departments, and other law enforcement authorities.1 Some customers report concern with the amount of data DriveEasy collects; if you’re concerned about data privacy, it may be better to opt out of DriveEasy.

Accident Assist

If DriveEasy detects a hard brake, it will send a notification to see whether there’s been an accident. You can indicate on the app if you need assistance, and GEICO will use your tracked location to reach emergency services or get your car towed. If you’ve been in a covered incident, you can also get claims support. Accident Assist is included for free in the DriveEasy app, which I’d find convenient if I needed extra help on the road.

App Store and Google Play Reviews

Because I’m not a GEICO customer, I looked at reviews to get a better sense of how satisfied customers are with the app.

App Rating (out of 5)
Android (Google Play) 4.6 stars
iPhone (App Store) 4.8 stars

Since DriveEasy is integrated into the GEICO mobile app, I looked specifically at customer reviews about DriveEasy itself. There are some notable customer complaints about how DriveEasy tracks driving behavior. Multiple customers mention that driving in a city racks up more penalties, marking frequent red light stops as hard braking. Another review complained that DriveEasy can’t always distinguish between driving and walking once the car is parked. Reviews also mention that the app drains the battery life of their phones.

GEICO DriveEasy vs. the Competition

Here’s how Drivewise compares to other major insurance companies’ usage-based discounts.

Perhaps most notably, GEICO’s maximum discount of 25 percent is slightly lower than competitors like USAA SafePilot, and significantly lower than Nationwide and Allstate’s maximum 40 percent discount.

Discount program Maximum discount (often varies by state) Enrollment discount (often varies by state) What it tracks Tracking method Review period
GEICO DriveEasy 25% 10%
  • Braking and acceleration
  • Smoothness (consistent speeds)
  • Phone distraction
  • Cornering (sharp turns)
  • Other trip factors (including time of day)
App only Each policy renewal (usually 6 months)
Allstate Drivewise 40% 10%
  • Speeding
  • Braking
  • Time of day driven
App only 50 trips; discount on renewal
State Farm Drive Safe & Save 30% 10%
  • Acceleration and speed
  • Braking
  • Cornering (sharp turns)
  • Phone distraction
  • Mileage (in some states)
Bluetooth device Every 6-month renewal (first 90 days counted for initial discount)
USAA SafePilot 30% 10%
  • Braking
  • Annualized hours driven
  • Phone distraction (including hands-free calling)
App only 325 miles/16 hours, then each policy renewal
Nationwide SmartRide 40% 10%
  • Miles driven
  • Braking
  • Acceleration
  • Nighttime driving
App or plug-in device 80 days
Liberty Mutual RightTrack 30% 10%
  • Braking
  • Speed
  • Acceleration
  • Nighttime and rush hour driving
  • Phone distraction
App only (except in New York) 90 days
Progressive Snapshot $94 on average, according to Progressive $231 average
  • Braking and acceleration
  • Nighttime driving
  • Overall time on the road
  • Phone distraction
App or plug-in device Usually after 6 months

Alternatives to GEICO DriveEasy

You can find other ways to save on your policy if DriveEasy isn’t the right option for you. GEICO gives drivers plenty of auto insurance discounts so you can pay lower premiums:

  • Good driver: GEICO lowers rates for drivers who have been accident-free for five years.
  • Vehicle equipment: Enjoy a discount for having airbags, anti-theft systems, daytime running lights, and anti-lock brakes.
  • Good student: If you’re a full-time student with at least a 3.0 GPA, you can save money on your premiums.
  • Payment history: You can also save at GEICO if you’ve had a history of paying your premiums on time.
  • New vehicle: Pay less for your policy if you own a car that is three years old or newer.
  • Multiple policies: Bundle your auto and home insurance and get discounts on both policies.

The Bottom Line: Is GEICO DriveEasy Worth It?

For safe drivers, enrolling in DriveEasy may be worthwhile for the potential discount of up to 25 percent. Even if you don’t earn the full discount, even a 10 or 15 percent discount can make a dent in your premiums. However, keep in mind that the app may raise your rates for risky driving, so if your habits behind the wheel aren’t up-to-par, DriveEasy likely isn’t worth it.

DriveEasy Is Best For You If You:

  • Practice safe driving habits and avoid using your phone while on the road
  • Want to maximize your auto insurance discounts
  • Prefer to use an app, rather than a device, to track your driving

DriveEasy Is Not Best for You If You:

  • Frequently drive after 11 p.m.
  • Are concerned about data privacy or your rates increasing
  • Live in one of the following places, where DriveEasy isn’t available:
    • Alaska
    • California
    • Delaware
    • Hawaii
    • Kansas
    • Maine
    • Montana
    • North Dakota
    • Rhode Island
    • South Dakota
    • Vermont
    • Wyoming

Why You Can Trust Our Reviews

We use the following methodology to assess usage-based insurance discount programs like GEICO DriveEasy.

Tracked Behaviors and Data

We look at what data the program uses to dictate discounts. Programs usually keep track of speed, braking habits, acceleration, cornering, miles driven, phone use while driving, and the time of day you’re driving. We prefer programs that detect trips automatically. Ideally, the insurance company encrypts this data and doesn’t disclose it to third parties for marketing purposes.


We examine where the program is available, since not all programs are available in all locations. We also consider whether the discount varies by state, and the discount discrepancies.

Telematics Technology

Programs may offer a mobile app, plug-in or Bluetooth device, or a combination of both. Although mobile apps provide a simpler setup than plug-in devices, they can drain your phone’s battery life and often count trips taken as a passenger towards driving scores. When the discount program requires an app, we look at its ratings on Google Play and the Apple App Store.


We are partial to programs that give potential savings of up to 30 percent or more, along with discounts upon sign-up. Also, an important aspect we consider is whether the program could make your rates more expensive instead of reducing them. Select programs can increase your premiums for risky driving habits, so we prefer programs that won’t penalize drivers for their driving habits.

DriveEasy Frequently Asked Questions

Will DriveEasy make my rate go up?

Depending on your driving habits and your location, using DriveEasy may make your rate go up. On its website, GEICO says, “Riskier drivers may see a higher rate — depending on the state you live in.”

Do I have to use DriveEasy with GEICO?

No, you don’t have to use DriveEasy with GEICO. While it’s integrated into their mobile app, DriveEasy is an optional discount program that drivers can use to save on their premiums

What is the maximum discount on GEICO DriveEasy?

The maximum discount on GEICO DriveEasy is 25 percent, although all drivers enjoy an initial 10 percent discount just for signing up.

Can you cancel DriveEasy?

Yes, you can cancel DriveEasy and unenroll from the program by contacting a GEICO customer service representative by phone or chat. GEICO states that drivers may face a fee for unenrolling from the program, so check the DriveEasy requirements for your location.

Jacqueline Quach Bio Pic
Written by:Jacqueline Quach
Senior Staff Writer
Jacqueline Quach holds years of experience in content writing, blogging, and copywriting, and has a professional background in user experience design, helping clients and businesses develop their content strategy. Jacqueline writes for multiple brands and websites, empowering customers in their purchase process through content. She also contributes to and has written for Angi and Her work has been featured on and Dayspa Magazine. Jacqueline holds a B.A. in Communication Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles.


  1. Privacy Policy. GEICO. (2024).