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Last updated: December 12, 2024

Kemper Auto Insurance Pricing

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Kemper Auto Insurance is an affordable option for drivers who may have previously had difficulty locking in insurance policies. It offers a wide range of policy options so that consumers can customize a policy, whether that is getting state minimum coverage or more robust coverage.

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Kemper Car Insurance Rates

Kemper’s average annual premium is $2,258. This average is above the national average of $1,924 per year for other car insurance companies. However, keep in mind that high-risk drivers will pay more for auto insurance, so Kemper’s rates may end up being competitive. Your exact rate is contingent on a multitude of factors, including your age, driving history, location, and insurance coverage options. You’ll pay more to have full coverage compared to minimum coverage that meets the state’s requirements.

To find out exactly how much you’ll pay, you’ll need to get a quote with Kemper. We recommend shopping around and comparing rates. Make sure that the quotes have the same coverage options (property damage liability, medical payments, comprehensive coverage, and collision coverage, to name a few).


When you get a full coverage policy, you elect to have comprehensive, collision, and medical payments coverage/personal injury protection for the vehicle and your passengers. Full coverage is above and beyond the state minimum insurance requirements that you must have.


Kemper Auto Insurance offers eight discounts that you may be eligible for. Be sure to ask your agent to apply all discounts for the best-price car insurance quote. The discounts are listed below.

  • Advanced quote: You get this discount when you get a quote with an effective date in the future (usually at least eight days—ask an agent for more information) and decide to purchase prior to that effective date.
  • Co-Pilot: Co-Pilot is Kemper’s take on usage-based insurance. Essentially, you’ll use a mobile app to track your driving habits. You’ll get 10 percent off just for enrolling in the program. If you drive with the app on for at least 91 days in a single policy term, this discount will carry over to your next renewal. As of March 1, 2024, new customers in Florida, Texas, Arizona, and Georgia can participate in this program when they buy a policy, with more states to come soon.
  • Defensive driving course: Pass an approved defensive driving course to receive a discount. But note that not all drivers qualify; ask your agent for more information.
  • Good student: Students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher are eligible for this discount. Learn more about the best car insurance for college students, but note that your auto insurance quote will still be higher for a young driver.
  • Homeowner: When you have a homeowners policy (with Kemper or another insurer) that has a matching address to your auto policy, you can get a discount.
  • Military: If you are serving in the military or the National Guard, you are eligible to save money on your policy.
  • Multi-car: Lower your cost per automobile when you insure more than one vehicle with Kemper. In some states, there is no limit to how many cars you can have on a single policy.
  • Paid-in-full: Save money when you pay for the policy in full rather than making monthly payments.
  • Proof of prior insurance: This gives you a discount if you can show Kemper that you have a valid policy with another carrier.

Favorite Features

12-Month Auto Insurance Policies

Many auto insurance carriers sell policies on a six-month basis, but Kemper underwrites you for 12 full months. This policy means that if you have an accident or get a ticket, your premium won’t increase during the 12-month period. By locking in the rates, you can save money for longer.

Policies for Those With International Licenses

It is difficult to get insurance when you have an international license, with many insurance companies requiring that you obtain a local license. If you have an international license, Kemper can underwrite the policy just as it would if you had a state-issued driver’s license. This policy makes it easier for those immigrating to the U.S. to meet the legal requirements of insurance. Learn more about auto insurance for immigrants without legal status.

SR-22 Policies

Not every insurance carrier will write policies for those who need SR-22s, but Kemper does. An SR-22 is a form that a state requires from drivers who have had serious offenses such as reckless driving, driving under the influence, or excessive speeding over 100 mph. Not only does Kemper underwrite these policies, but it also manages to keep them affordable.


Kemper serves customers in 14 states listed below. It uses local independent agents and brokers to market, sell, and service policies for customers. Independent agents represent the company and are appointed by Kemper but are not required to only sell their insurance because they are not captive.1 Similarly, brokers work for the consumer and shop the Kemper policy along with other carriers.

  • Arizona (personal)
  • California (commercial)
  • Colorado (commercial)
  • Connecticut (commercial)
  • Florida (commercial, personal)
  • Georgia (commercial, personal)
  • Illinois (Mainstreet home and auto bundles)
  • Indiana (personal)
  • New York (personal)
  • Ohio (personal)
  • Oregon (personal)
  • Texas (commercial, personal)
  • Pennsylvania (commercial, personal, Mainstreet home and auto bundles)
  • Wisconsin (Mainstreet home and auto bundles)

How to Cancel Your Kemper Insurance Policy

You can cancel your policy by calling your independent agent or using the Kemper customer service number at 800-782-1020. You can also email, or send a message through the company’s website:

Company Background

Kemper Corporation began in 1990 as a spin-off from the large industrial conglomerate, Teledyne, founded by Henry Singleton in 1960. The spin-off was not a subsidiary but instead formed its own company with assets from Teledyne, a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange.

Kemper’s original name was Unitrin. Unitrin began trading on the Nasdaq immediately at $31.25 per share. The company had three categories of service: health insurance, property and casualty insurance, and consumer finance, which included both industrial and automobile loans.

Unitrin purchased the rights to the Kemper name in 2010 and began operating as Kemper in 2011. It moved to the New York Stock Exchange, trading under the symbol KMPR. As of August 2024, Kemper has about $13 billion in assets, with headquarters in Chicago, Illinois.

Today, Kemper services more than 4.8 million policies. It has a nationwide team of 22,300 agents and brokers, with more than 7,600 associates available to assist customers with their servicing needs.

As far as third-party ratings go, the property and casualty arm of Kemper performed well with AM Best, getting an A- (Excellent rating) meaning it’s creditworthy and likely to pay out claims.2

Unfortunately, Kemper did not perform well in J.D. Power’s 2023 U.S. Auto Claims Satisfaction Study, ranking last on the list out of all the insurance companies included. While the study’s average rating was 878 out of 1,000, Kemper only scored an 820, 7 percent below the average.3

Kemper Contact Information

You can reach Kemper by contacting your independent agent for servicing needs. If you want to call Kemper directly, you can reach customer service at 800-782-1020,Email customer service at Mail general correspondence to:

  • Kemper Auto
  • P.O. Box 830189
  • Birmingham, AL 35283-0189


Working with your independent agent can give you a better service experience because your agent understands your background and has a personal relationship with you. While getting help from the call center is effective, it may feel like someone is just checking off a list of items during the call.


Kemper Auto Insurance is a good option for you if you have had a ticket or accident in the past. Not only will it underwrite policies for tough-to-insure people, but it does so at an affordable rate. It doesn’t sacrifice financial strength to do this, either. The company maintains “excellent” AM Best ratings and has the assets to back up even catastrophic claims scenarios. For more information, read our Kemper auto insurance review.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the billing charges for Kemper Auto Insurance?

Kemper adds a billing charge when you pay your premiums monthly to cover administrative costs. The rate varies by state.

Why is Kemper not included in Consumer Reports’ Auto Insurance ratings?

Consumer Reports has a list of companies that it rates each year. Kemper does not meet certain Consumer Reports’ criteria, such as size, consumer feedback, and availability.

How long do I have to pay my Kemper Auto Insurance premium?

In most states, Kemper has a grace period of 30 days on an auto insurance policy premium. The grace period means that you can pay your premium late without incurring a policy lapse.

Is Kemper insurance legit?

Kemper insurance is a legitimate company that offers auto business, and life insurance. It is a publicly-traded corporation listed as KMPR on the New York Stock Exchange, and has been in business since 1990. The business has been accredited with the Better Business Bureau since 2021 and has an A+ rating. Additionally, the Kemper independent insurance company has an A- or excellent rating on AM Best, which rates companies for their creditworthiness.

How can I find my Kemper Auto Insurance policy number?

You can find your Kemper Auto Insurance policy number on your policy’s declarations page or on your insurance ID card.

Kimberlee Leonard
Written by:Kimberlee Leonard
Staff Writer
Kimberlee Leonard is a writer at as well as a former State Farm agent licensed in the state of California. For six years, she helped people and businesses protect themselves and their assets. Kimberlee has also written about insurance for Fit Small Business in more than 100 articles. Since then, she has edited for the finance website Investopedia and outlets like, Forbes, and Seeking Alpha. Kimberlee is also the founder of Centsible Money, a website that answers insurance and other finance-related questions.



  2. AM Best Affirms Credit Ratings of Kemper Corporation, Its Affiliates and Subsidiaries
    . AM BEST. (2023, Aug 24).

  3. Auto Insurers Manage Customer Expectations as Repair Cycle Times Double in Two Years, J.D. Power Finds. J.D. Power. (2023, Oct 26).