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Last updated: January 10, 2024

Adding Vehicles to Your Policy: FAQs

Here’s everything you need to know about multi-car insurance and what it covers.

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Adding cars to your policy will increase your rates, but you can get a discount on premiums by sheltering multiple cars under the same policy. For instance, you just bought your 16-year-old a car and are considering initiating a separate policy. However, when it comes to car insurance, bundling is better.

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Adding an Another Vehicle to Your Existing Policy

You can add a car to your insurance policy by following these simple steps:

  • Gather the information you’ll need.
  • License plate number
  • Account login information, including your username and password
  • Mileage
  • Policy number
  • Vehicle identification number
  • Vehicle make
  • Vehicle model
  • Vehicle condition
  • Meet the time frame. Different insurance providers have different time frames for how long you have to add new or used cars to your policy after purchasing them. Make sure to add the car as soon as possible, ideally within a week after a private sale.
  • Contact your insurer. Use the below information to contact your insurance agent, or add the car to your policy online.
Company URL Phone number
21st Century 877-401-8181
AAA 800-222-4242
AARP (The Hartford) 877-896-9320
Allstate 800-255-7828
American Family 800-692-6326
Amica 800-242-6422
Bristol West 888-888-0080
Clearcover 855-444-1875
Concord 800-852-3380
Dairyland 800-334-0090
Direct 877-GO-DIRECT
Erie 800-458-0811
Esurance 800-378-7262
Farmers 888-327-6335
GEICO Contact agent directly
Infinity (Kemper) 800-INFINITY
Lemonade N/A (emergency number)
Liberty Mutual 800-290-8711
Mercury 866-627-4917
Metromile 888-242-5204
National General (formerly GMAC) 800-325-1190
Nationwide 877-669-6877
Plymouth Rock 855-993-4470
Progressive 866-749-7436
Root 866-980-9431
Safeco Contact agent directly
State Farm 855-733-7333
The General 888-333-2331
Travelers 800-842-5075
USAA 210-531-8722

Will It Increase My Rates?

Adding a car to your insurance policy will make your overall rates increase. However, it’s still cheaper than getting a separate policy for your new car1.

Multi-Vehicle Discounts

Even though your car insurance costs will be more expensive the more cars you add to your policy, you can get discounts on coverages by bundling multiple cars under the same policy. Under a schedule of vehicles policy — a policy that covers up to five cars — typically companies offer multi-vehicle discounts.


If you want to receive a multi-vehicle discount, all cars must be registered from the same address, or the other person on your policy must be an immediate family member.

Can I Add a Car to My Policy?

Here’s a breakdown of what you can and cannot add to your current policy.

Second Car

If you have a second car at the same residence, you can add it to your policy.

Friend’s Car

You can only add a friend’s car to your policy if you live at the same residence where the friend keeps their car. The friend must also be listed as a driver on your policy.

Significant Other’s Car

Whether or not you can add your significant other’s car to your policy depends on how often they use it and if you live together. If you live together where the vehicle is kept, you should be able to add the car to your policy. However, if you don’t live together and you don’t drive the vehicle often, you won’t be able to put their car on your policy.2

Temporary Addition

If you need to add a car to your policy temporarily, we recommend purchasing a six-month term or pay-per-mile insurance, and then canceling your car insurance. Major car insurance companies don’t offer temporary policies. If you don’t own the car you’d like to add, look into non-owner car insurance. Typically, non-owner insurance costs less than standard coverage.

Vehicles Not in Your Name

You can add a car to your policy if it’s not in your name, given you live with the owner who keeps the car at your residence.

New and Used Cars

You can add both new and used cars to your existing policy. Before you add it, your new or used vehicle will have the same coverage as your current one. Make sure you add it within your insurer’s time frame of within one week to one month from the purchase date.3

>> Related: What is Adhesion Insurance?

Should I Add a Car to My Policy?

What are the benefits and disadvantages of adding a car to your current policy versus getting it its own separate policy?

Pros of a Combined Policy

  • Multi-vehicle discount: Although your overall rates will rise, your coverages will be discounted if you bundle multiple cars under a single policy.
  • Coverage: You’ll gain the coverage you need so you aren’t driving without insurance.
  • Vehicle swap: You can easily change vehicles.

Cons of Combining

  • Increased rates: It’s cheaper to have one car on a policy versus multiple vehicles.
  • Effects of others’ driving records: If you add another driver to your policy and they have a bad driving record, get into an accident, or receive a ticket, your overall insurance rates could increase.


A DUI on your driving record increases your car insurance prices by 80 percent on average.4 Learn more from our DUI research.

New Vehicle Coverage You Need

Whether you choose to add a vehicle to your existing policy or cover it under a new one, make sure you have your state’s minimum coverage to comply with car insurance laws. Additionally, we recommend buying full coverage for more protection against financial liability for damages and injuries. See below for the types of coverage and limits that are required when you add another car to your existing policy.

Coverage type Party whose losses it covers What it covers Recommended coverage limits Deductible included?
Property damage (liability) Other party Property damages $500,000 No
Bodily injury (liability) Other party Medical costs $500,000 No
Uninsured motorist You Property damages and medical costs $500,000 No
Medical payments You Medical costs $500,000 No
Personal injury protection You Medical costs, lost wages, child care $500,000 No
Collision You Damages from collisions Actual market value of car Yes
Comprehensive You Damages from incidents other than collisions (e.g., weather, car theft, vandalism) Actual market value of car Yes

How to Save Money

Even though adding a car to your current policy will raise your rates, here are some tips to minimize the increase:

  1. Adjust your deductible. By raising your deductible on your comprehensive or collision coverage, you can decrease your rates.
  2. Drop coverages. If you have an older car, drop collision or comprehensive coverage on that vehicle. This is because it will most likely be totaled from an accident. You can also drop unnecessary coverages like rental or roadside assistance.
  3. Ask for discounts. Aside from the multi-vehicle discount, request discounts for bundling your car insurance with your home or life insurance, taking a defensive driving course, or installing anti-theft devices.
  4. Research cheap companies. Get car insurance quotes from the cheapest car insurance organizations.


Can Someone Else Insure My Financed Car?

Did you purchase a car using an auto loan? Perhaps someone else can insure your car if …

  • They live at the same residence as you.
  • You keep the car at their residence — as a part-time student driver, for instance.
  • They are listed as a driver on your policy.

You must meet all of these conditions in order for someone else to insure your financed car.


One of the most frequently asked car insurance questions is how to add a vehicle to your existing policy. If you have multiple cars, bundling them under the same policy is one way to lower your car insurance costs versus separating them under different policies. And who wants to pay more than necessary for car insurance?

Aliza Vigderman
Written by:Aliza Vigderman
Senior Writer & Editor
A seasoned journalist and content strategist with over 10 years of editorial experience in digital media, Aliza Vigderman has written and edited hundreds of articles on the site, covering everything from plan coverages to discounts to state laws. Previously, she was a senior editor and industry analyst at the home and digital security website, previously called Security Baron. She has also contributed to The Huffington Post, SquareFoot, and Degreed. Aliza studied journalism at Brandeis University.


  1. Why did my auto insurance costs go up even when I didn’t file a claim? III. (2022).

  2. Multi-Car Insurance: Can I Add Another Car or Driver to My Policy? American Family Insurance. (2022).

  3. Can I add a car to my insurance policy? Progressive. (2022).