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Last updated: May 19, 2024

Can I Cancel My Auto Insurance at Any Time?

What happens when you cancel your auto insurance in the middle of a billing cycle?

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There are various reasons you might want to cancel your auto insurance policy. Maybe you switched to a new provider, moved to a different state, or sold your car. Whatever the case, you’re probably wondering what happens when you cancel your existing policy. We’ll dive into canceling and how to avoid fees, penalties, and other headaches.

Can I Cancel My Auto Insurance at Any Time?

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Can I Cancel My Auto Insurance at Any Time?

The short answer is that yes, generally you can cancel your auto insurance at any time. However, you should look into your provider’s cancellation policy to avoid paying unnecessary fees and missing out on refunds.

What Happens if You Cancel Insurance Early?

Whether you pay monthly or in advance, most insurance companies allow you to cancel your policy regardless of where you are in the billing cycle. You will need to give proper notice, though. That means informing your provider that you’re canceling the policy rather than simply stopping payment. Some companies ask you to give 15 or 30 days’ notice when you cancel.


Some insurance companies require 30 days’ notice when you cancel your auto insurance policy. Check with your provider to ensure you follow the cancellation requirements.

If you paid any premiums in advance, your provider should refund them to you.1 You might also receive a prorated refund on your current premium; however, cancellation fees tend to eat into this money. You’re especially likely to incur high fees if you cancel your auto insurance soon after buying the policy.

When you cancel your policy, ask if you’re incurring any penalties. In most cases, you won’t have to pay a cancellation fee. If you do, it will likely be nominal — around $50, or a small percentage of your final premium.

If you’re facing high fees and switching to a new auto insurance provider, consider whether it makes more sense to wait until the end of your policy’s term. That said, if you’re saving a lot of money in premiums with your new policy, switching might be advantageous even with the fee.

How to Cancel Your Car Insurance

Because it’s illegal to drive without insurance in every state except New Hampshire and Virginia, your insurance provider usually notifies the local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) when you cancel your policy. The DMV will contact you to ask for proof that you have new insurance or have sold the car. If you don’t respond, the state may suspend your license and registration.

It’s critical not to allow your auto insurance coverage to lapse. Not only can lapses result in fines, they may also increase your premiums, because insurance companies will consider you a high risk. Even if you’re not using your car, insurance companies and the state consider a lapse to be driving without insurance.

How to Cancel Your Car Insurance

Once you’re ready to cancel your auto insurance, here’s how to go about it.

  1. Often, your new auto insurance provider will cancel your previous insurance for you. It’ll handle everything, including contacting your former provider and notifying the state of your new insurance so you avoid a lapse in coverage.


If you are switching insurers, your new company will notify your insurer for you, often with a quick insurance cancellation phone call to customer service. The company might charge a cancellation fee or not reimburse you for unused premium, however.

  1. If you’re switching providers, your current auto insurance company might want to convince you to stay. While insurance rates themselves are non-negotiable, your agent may identify auto insurance discounts or suggest other ways you can save on your auto insurance premiums.2
  2. If you sold your car or need to cancel your auto insurance for another reason, you’ll have to do it yourself. Usually, a call to your insurance agent will suffice. Some companies require written notice. In any case, it’s a good idea to expect to fill out some paperwork. If you’re contacting your auto insurance provider yourself, you can use the following contact information to begin the cancellation process.
Company URL Phone number Mailing address Email
21st Century N/A 800-241-1188 for new policies only 21st Century Insurance P.O. Box 15510 Wilmington, DE 9886-9252
AAA 800-836-2582 N/A N/A
AARP / The Hartford N/A 800-423-6789 AARP Insurance Program
The Hartford
P.O. Box 14219
Lexington, KY

Fax: 877-293-2072

Allstate N/A Your local agent’s phone number N/A N/A
Amica N/A 800-242-6422 N/A N/A
Bristol West N/A 888-888-0080 N/A N/A
CarShield 800-587-4162 N/A N/A
Clearcover 855-444-1875 N/A N/A
Concord 800-852-3380 Concord Insurance 4
Bouton St.
Concord, NH 03301
Dairyland 800-334-0090 N/A N/A
Direct 877-GO-DIRECT N/A N/A
Erie Your local agent’s phone number Erie Insurance Group
100 Erie Insurance Place
Erie, PA 16530-1104
Esurance N/A 800-378-7262 N/A N/A
Farmers 888-327-6335 Farmers Insurance
6301 Owensmouth Ave.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Foremost N/A 800-532-4221 N/A N/A
GEICO 800-841-1587 N/A N/A
Good2Go N/A 800-777-6664 Good2Go Auto Insurance
P.O. Box 1890
Blue Bell, PA 19422-0479
Infinity 800-782-1020 N/A
Kemper 800-456-0448 Kemper Auto
P.O. Box 660420
Dallas, TX 75266-0420
Lemonade N/A N/A N/A
Liberty Mutual N/A 800-290-8711 N/A N/A
Mercury N/A Your local agent’s phone number N/A N/A
MetLife N/A 800-422-4272 N/A N/A
Metromile N/A N/A N/A
National General Insurance (formerly GMAC) 888-293-5108 N/A
Nationwide N/A Your local agent’s phone number or 877-669-6877 N/A N/A
Plymouth Rock N/A 800-437-5556 if you purchased your policy through Plymouth Rock, online, or through a Prudential Financial professional

833-511-ROCK (7625) if you purchased your policy through an independent agent

Connecticut, if you purchased through an independent agent:

Plymouth Rock Assurance Payment Processing Center
P.O. Box 55933
Boston, MA 02205-5933

Massachusetts, New Hampshire, or New Jersey, if you purchased your policy online or through a Prudential Financial professional:

Plymouth Rock HP-PA P.O. Box 55877 Boston, MA 02205-5877

Plymouth Rock Assurance Payment Processing Center
P.O. Box 55933
Boston, MA 02205-5933

New Hampshire:

Mt. Washington Assurance Corporation
P.O. Box 55937 Boston, MA 02205-5937

New Jersey:

Use the prepaid envelope or address your envelope according to your invoice.

New York, if you purchased through an independent agent:

Plymouth Rock NY
P.O. Box 55940
Boston, MA 02205-5940

New York or Pennsylvania, if you purchased your policy online or through a Prudential Financial Professional:

Plymouth Rock HP-NY
P.O. Box 55560
Boston, MA 02205-5560


Plymouth Rock HP-PA
P.O. Box 55877
Boston, MA 02205-5877 if you purchased your policy through Plymouth Rock, online, or through a Prudential Financial professional if you purchased your policy through an independent agent

Progressive N/A 800-776-4737 The Progressive Corporation
6300 Wilson Mills Road
Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143
Root N/A 866-980-9431 Root Inc.
80 E. Rich St., Suite 500
Columbus, OH 43215
Safeco N/A Your local agent’s phone number N/A N/A
State Farm 800-STATEFARM or 800-782-8332 Corporate Headquarters State Farm Insurance
One State Farm Plaza
Bloomington, IL 61710
The General N/A 888-333-2331 N/A N/A
Travelers N/A Your local agent’s phone number Travelers Personal Insurance
P.O. Box 660307
Dallas, TX 75266-0307
USAA 210-531-8722 USAA
9800 Fredericksburg Road
San Antonio, TX 78288
  1. Send your former insurer proof of your new auto insurance policy. Your new insurance agent can provide you with proof — an ID card should be adequate. That way, you won’t risk a lapse in coverage.
  2. Keep in mind that if your account is set up for automatic payments, your insurance company will continue to withdraw money until you cancel your policy. If you purchase a new policy and forget to cancel your old one, you’ll end up with duplicate coverage. You may be able to receive a refund if you provide a policy declarations page proving you had duplicate coverage.
  3. You will receive notice of your policy cancellation from your former insurance provider.

Does Canceling My Auto Insurance Affect My Credit Score?

If you give your insurance provider proper notice and follow the necessary cancellation steps, canceling your auto insurance will not affect your credit score.

However, if you don’t officially cancel and instead stop paying your premiums, it will harm your credit. It may also make your next auto insurance provider see you as a high risk and charge you more for insurance. That being said, if you have poor credit, you can still buy a car and get auto insurance. Check out our roundup of the best auto loans for bad credit and get an auto insurance quote with no credit check now.

Does Canceling My Auto Insurance Affect My Credit Score

There are some exceptions to your credit score affecting your auto insurance costs. In Massachusetts, Michigan, Hawaii, or California, insurance providers can’t take credit scores into account when determining premiums. Learn more about Massachusetts auto insurance laws, the cost of auto insurance in Michigan, or the cost of auto insurance in California.


If you stop paying your auto insurance premiums, your provider will cancel your policy, but you’ll hurt your credit. Instead, follow the proper steps for canceling your policy.

Remember that you still need auto insurance in these circumstances:


As long as you give proper notice and maintain auto insurance coverage when you need it, you can cancel your auto insurance at any time. Learn more about cancellations and nonrenewals, and for your other questions, check out our auto insurance FAQs.

Maya Afilalo Headshot MBA Photo
Written by:Maya Afilalo
Managing Editor & Industry Analyst
Maya Afilalo holds over 10 years of professional experience in writing, communications, and research, which she leverages to provide accurate and reliable information to empower consumers. In addition to overseeing content production, Maya has herself written many articles on auto insurance costs, company comparisons, state laws and requirements, and other topics. She is committed to helping consumers navigate the complex world of car insurance with clarity and confidence. Maya holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a master’s from North Carolina State University.


  1. Can you get a refund on car insurance? Progressive. (2022).

  2. Insurance Costs and the Age of Coronavirus. J.D. Power. (2020, Aug 20).