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Last updated: March 7, 2023

How Can Auto Insurers Land High-Income Households?

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Nearly 6 million U.S. households have annual income of $150,000 or more, making them attractive prospects for all types of companies. For auto insurers, they are especially prized, but our research shows they may be a tough nut to crack.

In our latest research of about 2,000 households in the U.S., we found that more than one in three of those earning more than $150,000 got an auto insurance quote in the past year — the highest rate among all income brackets. But they are far from an easy sell, and they tend to have demands in line with their high income.

For this analysis, our income brackets are defined as:

  • $150,000+: high income
  • $100,000-$149,999: upper-middle income
  • Less than $100,000: middle or lower income

Key Findings:

  • Nearly one-third of high and upper-middle income households have 3-5 vehicles on their auto policy – when you land one of these customers, there is greater opportunity to entice them with bundling options and secure vehicles covered by one policy.
  • 40 percent of upper-income households have been with their policy provider for 10+ years. They’re also the most satisfied with their carriers, and also most likely to shop for new quotes annually. Why?
  • While price is always a concern regardless of income bracket, upper-income households are most likely to switch because of life changes such as adding a new vehicle, having a child, or purchasing a home. This should influence your marketing strategies for this customer segment.

What Drives Them?

Insurers should seek to entice high-income households since, of course, they earn more and are likely to be in a position to spend more. But understanding exactly what makes them so valuable is important.

We found that high-income households are more likely to have multiple vehicles on their policies, they tend to remain loyal to one company, and they are usually happy with their insurer. So enticing high-income households may be a challenge, but it’s well worth it.

They insure many vehicles …

Almost half of those in high-income households have three or more vehicles covered on their personal auto insurance policies — nearly double the rate of those in the middle or low-income bracket. For insurers, that means added premiums for added vehicles.

Number of vehicles in auto policy by income range

Number of vehicles Middle or lower Upper middle High
1 to 2 74% 63% 52%
3 to 5 23% 30% 33%
6 + 2% 7% 15%

They have lots of toys …

High earners’ portfolio of vehicles is more diverse. Upwards of 90 percent of people in each bracket have a passenger car, truck, or van insured, but high earners are much more likely to have vehicles like RVs, motorcycles, and commercial vehicles on their policies as well. That gives insurers a chance to offer policies to cover all of their toys.

Vehicle types covered in personal auto policy by income range

Vehicle type Middle or lower Upper middle High
Passenger car/truck/van 91% 92% 92%
Commercial car/truck/van 10% 17% 25%
RV 7% 12% 21%
Motorcycle 5% 12% 21%

They love to bundle …

Along those lines, high-income households are more likely to bundle many types of coverage together. People in the higher income bracket are nearly twice as likely to say it is “very important” that they can bundle policies, and they are by far the most likely to bundle home, renters, and life insurance with their auto policies.

Percentage who bundle auto insurance with other policies by income range

Policy type Middle or lower Upper middle High
Home 58% 66% 74%
Renters 54% 48% 77%
Life 20% 28% 47%
Boat 45% 61% 95%
Travel 25% 61% 73%

They are loyal …

Just over one in four people across income brackets have been with their current carrier for a decade or more, but that number was considerably higher for high-income households.

Length of time with current auto insurer by income range

Length of time Middle or lower Upper middle High
0-4 years 53% 48% 38%
5-9 years 23% 24% 22%
10-14 years 12% 12% 22%
15-19 years 4% 6% 7%
20+ years 9% 10% 11%

They are happy (but there’s a twist) …

All consumers stay with brands because they’re satisfied – but those in the highest income bracket are by far the most likely to say they are “extremely satisfied” with their carriers, leading us to believe that once they make a carrier decision, they’ll be hard-pressed to switch.

Satisfaction rating of current auto insurance carrier by income range

Satisfaction rating Middle or lower Upper middle High
Not at all satisfied 3% 3% 1%
Somewhat unsatisfied 11% 7% 4%
Neutral 24% 23% 17%
Somewhat satisfied 37% 38% 33%
Extremely satisfied 26% 31% 45%

And here’s the twist: Those in high-income households say they’re happy with their auto insurance carriers, but they’re the most likely to have gotten a quote from another company in the past year — and they’re the most likely to predict they’ll get a quote in the next year from another potential insurance carrier.

Percentage of customers who got an auto insurance quote in the past year vs. those likely to get one in the next year by income range

Middle or lower Upper middle High
Got a quote in the past year 29% 34% 36%
“Very likely” to get a quote in the next year 9% 13% 26%

Clearly, when high-income households are happy with their coverage, which means that for insurers, making sure these prized customers are happy is mission-critical.

Why Do High-Income Households Shop for Auto Insurance?

More than those in the other two income brackets, high earners are much more likely to consider life changes as good moments to reevaluate their auto insurance coverage. In fact, across every life event we asked about, those in high-income households were the most likely to say they’d probably consider changing carriers.

Percentage of people “very likely” to change auto insurance carriers depending on major life event by income range

Reason Middle or lower Upper middle High
Moving to a new area 21% 25% 40%
Adding/removing a vehicle 23% 31% 39%
Buying a home 18% 26% 36%
Adding/removing a driver 15% 21% 33%
Getting married or engaged 15% 21% 32%
Getting divorced 11% 20% 31%
Receiving a promotion or raise 8% 16% 30%
Having or adopting a child 10% 16% 27%
Starting a new job 11% 13% 27%
Getting fired 15% 20% 26%
Reaching a symbolic age (e.g. 30, 40, etc…) 12% 15% 24%

As for those who already considered changing carriers and got a quote in the past year, saving money was the biggest motivator across all income brackets. But there were a couple of notable differences. Those in the high and upper-middle income brackets were much more likely to say they got a new quote because they wanted to look at different coverage options, and they were considerably more likely to shop because their claims increased their premiums.

Reasons for getting new auto insurance quote by income range

Reason Middle or lower Upper middle High
I was adding/removing a vehicle 18% 21% 24%
My premiums went up unrelated to anything I did 19% 24% 27%
I moved 15% 18% 20%
I was adding/removing a driver 12% 18% 19%
I wanted different bundling options 13% 17% 18%
I wanted different coverages 13% 21% 19%
I was looking for different discounts 33% 30% 37%
I wasn’t happy with the service of my insurance company 11% 15% 15%
My claims made my premiums go up 10% 15% 17%
I wanted to save money 36% 32% 33%
Curiosity 1% 2% 1%
Received something unsolicited 1% 2% 1%

Suggestions for Auto Insurers

Have we said strongly enough that insurers need to work hard to keep their existing high-wage earners in the fold? If not, let’s say it again: These customers are incredibly valuable thanks to their propensity for multi-line policies and their loyal nature. How can you keep the customers you have (and entice additional high earners to join the team)? Here’s what the data tells us:

Offer the very best price you can

Just because high-income households have more money than others doesn’t mean they’re keen to spend it if they don’t need to. High earners were only slightly less likely than those in the middle- and low-income brackets to say that saving money was their main motivator in shopping for new policies over the past year. A premium increase unrelated to claims was the third most common reason for high-income households to look for a new policy — and they did so at a higher rate than the average person.

Gear your marketing toward major life changes

More than any other income bracket, high earners are more influenced by major changes in their lives when it comes to considering changing their insurance carriers. Whether it’s getting married, having a child, aging, job changes, or other life events, high-income households see these things as potential pivot points in their auto insurance journey. In fact, it was moving to a new area rather than adding a driver or vehicle that was the single biggest life change high earners told us would make them reconsider their coverage.

Offer robust services and keep your reputation clean

Finally, more than other groups, those in high-income households care deeply about the reputation of their auto insurance carrier, and they want many ways to get in touch.

A surpassing customer service experience is much more important to high earners than those in other groups. For example, 54 percent said it’s “very important” to have live call center agents, compared to about 41 percent of all people, but they don’t just want the personal touch. They’re also the most likely to say it’s “very important” to have online claims support (52 percent vs. 40 percent for everyone).

And what you offer today is important, but so is what the company has done in the past. More than half of high earners said it was “very important” for their carriers to have a long history in the industry, and a similar percentage said it’s “very important” that the company has a high financial rating.

Let them evangelize for your brand

High-income customers are extremely valuable when it comes to spreading word-of-mouth and talking up their carriers (when they’re happy, of course). By a nearly 29-point margin, this group is likely to be a net promoter, meaning they’re more likely to say good things than bad things. This is about 10 times higher than those in the upper-middle income range, while those in the middle or lower bracket are net detractors.


About 6 million U.S. households fall under the $150,000-plus income bracket, and since one-third of them are up for grabs as auto insurance customers every year, few companies could afford to ignore the importance of this group. While they’re motivated by price like everyone else, as we’ve seen, they have unique needs that companies must address if they want to win (or keep) their business.

Aliza Vigderman
Written by:Aliza Vigderman
Senior Writer & Editor
A seasoned journalist and content strategist with over 10 years of editorial experience in digital media, Aliza Vigderman has written and edited hundreds of articles on the site, covering everything from plan coverages to discounts to state laws. Previously, she was a senior editor and industry analyst at the home and digital security website, previously called Security Baron. She has also contributed to The Huffington Post, SquareFoot, and Degreed. Aliza studied journalism at Brandeis University.