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Last updated: August 10, 2023

How a Speeding Ticket Impacts Your Insurance in Alaska

How much you can expect to pay and how you can lower costs.

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It’s often tempting to speed, whether because we are running late or are familiar with the road. Sometimes, we speed by mistake, for example, by not realizing how quickly we’re driving when exiting a highway. Unfortunately, a speeding ticket not only incurs you fines, but it will also increase the amount you pay for auto insurance. We’ll walk through how a speeding ticket can affect your car insurance in Alaska.

How a Speeding Ticket Affects Your Insurance

There are a few important factors to consider when understanding the impact of a speeding ticket on your insurance, such as your speed in miles per hour over the speed limit and the length of time the ticket will stay on your record.

Higher Premiums

On average, a speeding ticket will raise your premiums for car insurance in Alaska by about 18 percent. Exactly how much more you’ll pay depends on your insurance provider. Umialik, GEICO and USAA are the cheapest options after a speeding ticket, often. As long as the points stay on your driving record, speeding tickets affect insurance costs.

The good news is that the cost of auto insurance in Alaska is cheaper than the national average, so even with a speeding ticket, you’ll pay less than drivers in many other states, usually. However, your driving history isn’t the only factor that affects car insurance rates. For example, credit score and ZIP code could cause an insurance rate increase or decrease, if you have good credit and live in a less populated ZIP code.

Company Annual rate for minimum coverage in Alaska before a speeding ticket Annual rate for minimum coverage in Alaska after a speeding ticket Percent increase
Allstate $768 $924 20%
GEICO $384 $456 19%
Progressive $804 $1,032 29%
State Farm $516 $576 13%
Umialik $420 $468 10%
USAA $324 $384 19%


Teen drivers speed more often than adult drivers. From 2015 to 2019 in Alaska, 50 percent of teen fatal crashes involved speeding, compared to 35 percent for adults.1 Establish safe driving expectations with your teen to keep them and others safe on the road.

Driving Record

In Alaska, typically, a speeding violation will stay on your record for at least one year. A speeding conviction will accrue points on your license as well. The number of points depends on how fast you were going.

Miles per hour over the limit Number of points
3-9 2
10-19 4
20 or more 6


If you accumulate 12 points in 12 months or 18 points in 24 months, the Alaska DMV will suspend your license.

There are a few ways you can reduce the number of points on your license:

  1. Drive safely for the next year: For every 12 months you go without another traffic conviction, the DMV will remove two points from your license.
  2. Take a driver safety course: Once every 12 months, you can take a driver safety course and, upon successful completion, the DMV will deduct two points. You can find a list of approved courses at
  3. Have a safe driving record: For every 12 consecutive months of licensed, violation-free driving within the past five years before the incident, the DMV will reduce one point from your license.

Typically, insurance providers look back from three to five years on your record for violations like speeding. For more serious violations, such as DUIs, insurance companies may look back further.

How to Lower Premiums After a Speeding Ticket

Insurance companies charge more if they consider you a risky driver, which includes having a speeding violation on your record. However, there are still several ways you can lower your bills:

  1. Shop around: Each insurance company uses its own unique formula to determine premiums, which means some will be more forgiving of a speeding violation than others. Compare quotes from at least three companies to find the cheapest rates. We’ve rounded up the best car insurance companies in Alaska to help you pick.
  2. Take a defensive driving course: A driver safety course not only reduces the points on your license in Alaska; it may also qualify you for a discount from your insurer. Find a company that offers this discount and ensure the company approves the course you take.
  3. Raise your deductibles: The higher your deductibles, the less you’ll pay in insurance premiums. Before increasing your deductibles, make sure you can pay the new deductible amount in the event of an incident.

Cost of a Speeding Ticket in Alaska

Alaska law stipulates that the maximum penalty for a speeding offense is $300 unless the offense occurs in a highway work zone or traffic safety corridor, in which case fines are doubled.2

What to Do if You Get a Speeding Ticket

There are a few ways you can respond to a speeding ticket in Alaska.3 If your citation is marked Optional Court Appearance, you must complete one of the following within 30 days:

  1. Pay the fine: You will plead “no contest” and pay the fine and surcharge. If you committed multiple violations on a single occasion (for example, you were both speeding and driving under the influence), you will get points on your license for only the highest offense violation.
  2. Plead not guilty: If you want to fight the ticket, file a “not guilty” plea, and the court will assign you a date, time and location for the trial. You can represent yourself or hire an attorney to represent you in court. If the police officer does not show up to trial, the court will dismiss your case. However, the Alaska court system reports that most officers do show up. You can bring witnesses who can testify to the events that happened that day, such as passengers in your car, but they cannot testify to your character or how you normally drive. There is no filing fee to fight a citation.
  3. Ask for a hearing date: You can request a hearing date, which means you’ll appear in court, and a judge will explain the charges and your rights before you enter a plea of “no contest” or “not guilty.” Note that a hearing date is not a trial.

If your citation is marked Mandatory Court Appearance, you must show up in court on the date and time listed on your citation. If you plan to plead “not guilty,” you must do so before the court date.

Other Traffic Violations That Affect Car Insurance

In addition to speeding, the following violations can increase your insurance premiums.



  • Driving with a suspended license
  • Missing the deadline to renew your registration
  • Having an unsatisfied judgment, such as not paying for a ticket


In Alaska, a speeding ticket will add points to your license and raise your insurance premiums. However, attending a driver safety course and avoiding future violations will reduce points from your license. Umialik, USAA and GEICO are three providers that often offer cheap insurance after a speeding ticket. However, after you’re caught speeding, you may find that the cheapest car insurance company for you may be another provider.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum coverage for car insurance in Alaska?

The minimum coverage for car insurance in Alaska is:

  • Bodily injury liability: $50,000 per person, $100,000 per accident
  • Property damage liability: $25,000 per accident

How do you beat a speeding ticket in Alaska?

To beat a speeding ticket in Alaska, you must present evidence that you were not speeding. Evidence can include dashcam footage or data from a smartphone app or telematics tracking device. You can also take photos demonstrating obscured speed limit signs.

If you know the method the officer used to clock your speed, look up the instructions manual and take notes on the maintenance schedule or any stated weaknesses. You can use this information to question the officer in court. Plan your questions ahead of time, aim for questions with short answers and avoid ones that begin with “why.”

What is considered reckless driving in Alaska?

Alaska law defines reckless driving as driving “in a manner that creates a substantial and unjustifiable risk of harm to a person or to property.” This can include the following:

  • Excessive speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Road rage
  • Ignoring red lights or stop signs
  • Passing a school bus when children are entering or exiting

In addition to higher insurance premiums, if you’re convicted of reckless driving in Alaska, you can face license suspension, fines up to $1,000, potential jail time and up to 10 points on your license.

When will a speeding ticket show up on insurance?

A speeding ticket usually shows up on your insurance within six to 12 months of when you received it. Exactly how long depends on how often your insurance company requests updated driving records for its customers. It’s not your responsibility to inform your insurance company of any violations. If you renew your policy, move, or switch insurance providers, you’ll see your updated rate on your new policy.

Maya Afilalo Headshot MBA Photo
Written by:Maya Afilalo
Managing Editor & Industry Analyst
Maya Afilalo holds over 10 years of professional experience in writing, communications, and research, which she leverages to provide accurate and reliable information to empower consumers. In addition to overseeing content production, Maya has herself written many articles on auto insurance costs, company comparisons, state laws and requirements, and other topics. She is committed to helping consumers navigate the complex world of car insurance with clarity and confidence. Maya holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a master’s from North Carolina State University.


  1. Teens and Speeding: Breaking the Deadly Cycle. Governors Highway Safety Association. (2023).

  2. Vehicle and Traffic Offenses Booklet (Including Watercraft Offenses). Alaska Court System. (2021, Feb).

  3. Traffic Cases (Minor Offenses). Alaska Court System Self-Help. (2023).