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Last updated: September 26, 2023

What to Do After a Hit-and-Run in Maine

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A hit-and-run occurs when someone hits another vehicle, whether it’s attended or unattended and flees the scene of the accident without exchanging or leaving their information, rendering aid or filing a police report.

In Maine, these violations could result in penalties of anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 fines and/or six months to five years of incarceration in the most severe cases. On top of these penalties, your insurance rates will skyrocket with an at-fault accident like a hit-and-run on your record. Let’s take a closer look.

Steps to Take Following a Hit-and-Run in Maine

Not only can you use a police report in your claim, you are required to report the car accident to the police if it includes any of the following:

If your accident falls under these categories, you need to report it by the “quickest means of communication” to either the state police officer, the nearest state police field office, the deputy sheriff or the sheriff’s office. You’re required to report as both the operator of an involved vehicle, someone acting as an operator, or, if the operator is unknown, the owner of an involved vehicle with some knowledge of the accident.

If you hit an unattended vehicle, you’re required to stay at the scene or as close as possible and, in a conspicuous place, provide the following information, typically in the form of a note:

  • Operator name and address
  • Vehicle registration number
  • Statement of accident circumstances

You must also provide your evidence of financial responsibility if someone asks for it, typically proof of insurance in the form of an insurance ID card.

For accidents involving property damage or vehicle damage, you must stay at the scene and exchange the above information. Plus, if someone asks you and you have it with you, you have to let them examine your driver’s license and proof of insurance. For accidents involving bodily injuries or death, you must stay at the scene, exchange information and provide assistance to any injured parties.

That’s it for your legal requirements, but we also recommend writing down information about the accident, including the date, time and weather conditions, gathering witness contact information and taking pictures of the damages. This evidence will be helpful in your insurance claim, making it more likely you’ll be able to recover your damages.

How to Recover Damages

Whether you have bodily injuries or property damage, here’s how to be made whole again after a hit-and-run in Maine.

Car Insurance

The easiest way to recover your losses following someone hitting your car is to file a claim with an auto insurance policy. If you find out the identity of the driver, you should file a third-party claim with their insurance provider, given they have one, under the following coverages:

  • Bodily injury liability: Required in Maine in the amounts of $50,000 per person and $100,000 per accident
  • Property damage liability: Required in the amount of $25,000 per accident

However, if the other driver’s losses weren’t sufficient to cover your damages or you can’t identify the driver who hit your car, you’ll have to make a first-party claim with your own insurance provider under the following coverages:

  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage: Required in the amounts of $50,000 per person, $100,000 per accident. Use uninsured motorist coverage if you don’t know the identity of the driver or underinsured motorist coverage if their limits aren’t high enough; they apply to both property damages and bodily injuries.
  • Medical payments coverage: Required in the amount of $2,000 per person
  • Collision coverage: Not required, but could pay for your property damages up to your car’s actual market value minus your deductible


You can also use your health insurance to cover your injuries following a collision.

Civil Suit

If you’ve exhausted all insurance options and have still not been made whole, you can sue the other party, given you know their identity, in a civil trial. However, you must be less than 50 percent at fault in the hit-and-run to sue. If you have a percentage of fault, your compensation will be reduced by that percentage.

How Hit-And-Runs Affect Car Insurance

If you cause a hit-and-run accident and get convicted, expect your Maine car insurance rates to increase by 89 percent or to nearly double. For victims of hit-and-runs, you may see an increase if you had to file any first-party claims but no increase if you only filed third-party claims.

Statistics for Hit-and-Runs in Maine

We analyzed data surrounding fatal hit-and-runs in Maine from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Compared to other states, hit-and-runs are uncommon in Maine, comprising only 1 percent of all fatal motor vehicle crashes from 2011 to 2021.

Year Involved a hit-and-run Did not involve a hit-and-run Total fatal crashes in Maine Percentage of all fatal crashes
2011 0 126 126 0%
2012 0 151 151 0%
2013 0 136 136 0%
2014 2 113 115 2%
2015 4 140 144 3%
2016 7 143 150 5%
2017 3 160 163 2%
2018 0 127 127 0%
2019 1 142 143 1%
2020 1 150 151 1%
2021 1 134 135 1%
Total 19 1,522 1,541 1%
Average 2 138 140 1%

A 26 percent plurality of fatal hit-and-runs involved driving under the influence.

Driver involvement Number of fatal hit-and-runs in Maine, 2011-2021
Alcohol impairment (blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or higher) 5
Speeding 0
Distracted driver 2
Drowsy driver 0
Total 19

Half of all drivers involved in fatal hit-and-runs whose ages were known were between the ages of 25 to 34.

Age group Number of drivers involved in fatal hit-and-runs in Maine, 2011-2021 Percentage of total known drivers
16-20 1 6%
21-24 2 11%
25-34 9 50%
35-44 4 22%
45-54 1 6%
55-64 1 6%
65-74 0 0%
Over 74 0 0%
Unknown 3 n/a
Total known 18 n/a
Total 21 n/a

Additionally, 83 percent of drivers whose sex was known were male. This is one of the reasons why men pay more for car insurance in Maine, as companies are allowed to discriminate based on gender.

Sex Number of drivers involved in fatal hit-and-runs in Maine, 2011-2021 Percentage of total known drivers
Male 15 83%
Female 3 17%
Reported as unknown 3 n/a
Total known 18 n/a
Total 21 n/a

Hit-and-Run Laws in Maine

Rather than the misdemeanors and felonies in other states, Maine has a class system when it comes to violations of the law.1


Penalties for failing to report an accident to the police and fleeing the scene can include a fine, incarceration or both, plus a license suspension, according to the state’s Revised Statutes.2

Violation Crime classification Maximum fine Maximum incarceration License suspension maximum Demerit points
Failing to report the accident to the police Class E crime $1,000 6 months None 0
Not stopping at the scene of an accident and exchanging information, property damage Class E


$1,000 6 months None 6
Not stopping at the scene of an accident and exchanging information, vehicle damage Class E


$1,000 6 months None 0
Not stopping at the scene of an accident and exchanging information, unattended vehicle Class E


$1,000 6 months None 0
Not stopping at the scene of an accident and exchanging information, death or personal injury Class D


$2,000 364 days 30 days 0
Not stopping at the scene of an accident and exchanging information, serious bodily injury Class C


$5,000 5 years 30 days 0
Not having liability insurance at the time of the accident Traffic infraction $25- $500 None Possible instead of or in addition to fine 0


If you get 12 or more demerit points within a year, Maine will suspend your license for 15 days.

The state defines a serious bodily injury as one that creates a substantial risk of death or causes:

  • Serious, permanent disfigurement
  • Loss or substantial impairment of the function of any bodily organ or member
  • Extended convalescence that is necessary for the recovery of physical health (time spent recovering from an illness or medical treatment)


The entire purpose of car insurance is to protect you financially after an accident, whether you caused it or not. Whatever the scenario, be sure to remain at the scene after a car crash, exchange information with the other driver and, when it’s required, file a police report. While your car insurance rates may increase, at least you’ll be able to avoid state fines, imprisonment and license suspensions.

Aliza Vigderman
Written by:Aliza Vigderman
Senior Writer & Editor
A seasoned journalist and content strategist with over 10 years of editorial experience in digital media, Aliza Vigderman has written and edited hundreds of articles on the site, covering everything from plan coverages to discounts to state laws. Previously, she was a senior editor and industry analyst at the home and digital security website, previously called Security Baron. She has also contributed to The Huffington Post, SquareFoot, and Degreed. Aliza studied journalism at Brandeis University.


  1. Criminal Justice System. Maine Attorney General. (2023).

  2. Title 17-A: MAINE CRIMINAL CODE. Maine Legislature Maine Revised Statutes. (2023).