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Guide to Car Insurance in Maryland With a DUI

In Maryland, DUIs stay on your record forever. But how does that affect auto insurance?

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In Maryland, it’s a crime to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher. If you’re caught and Breathalyzed with a BAC exceeding that limit, you could be convicted of a DUI — driving under the influence of alcohol. A less severe alcohol charge is a DWI, driving while impaired, which means your BAC was more than 0.05 percent but less than 0.08 percent. A DWI could also mean you were impaired by a drug, controlled dangerous substance, or a combination of drugs and alcohol.

What happens after a DUI or a DWI conviction in Maryland? We’ll tell you about the penalties you could face and the future of your car insurance.

DUI Laws in Maryland

Now that we’ve differentiated between DUIs and DWIs in Maryland, let’s look at the penalties for each.


With a DUI, you could face a fine of $2,000 or more, up to two years in jail, and other penalties.

Offense number for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) 1 2 2 within 5 years
Maximum fine $1,000 $2,000 $2,000
Maximum length of imprisonment in years 1 2; mandatory 5-day minimum 2; mandatory 5-day minimum
Points on driving record 12 12 12
Length of license revocation in months 6 12 12
Required participation in Ignition Interlock Program No No No
License suspension No No Yes
Participation in alcohol abuse assessment and program No No Maybe

If you’re caught with a lesser BAC and convicted of a DWI, you’ll see a maximum $500 fine and up to a year in jail, plus a license suspension and points on your driving record.1


Ignition interlock devices require you to blow into a Breathalyzer before your car can start, ensuring you’re not driving under the influence of alcohol.

Offense number for driving while impaired (DWI) 1 2
Maximum fine $500 $500
Maximum length of imprisonment in months 2 12
Length of license suspension in months 6, or 12 if under age 21 9-12, or 24 if under age 21
Points on driving record 0 8

How Long a DUI/DWI Stays on Your Record

In Maryland, a DUI or DWI will stay on your record indefinitely, as any offense related to alcohol is not eligible for expungement.

Are SR-22s Required?

Unlike some other states, Maryland doesn’t require SR-22s, forms proving you have the minimum coverage required following your license reinstatement.

How DUIs Affect Your Car Insurance

DUIs make car insurance more expensive and harder to obtain.

Average Costs

While price increases differ by insurance provider, overall you can expect your car insurance premiums to rise by 78 percent following a DUI. Some car insurance companies are somewhat more affordable for those convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol (or drugs) than others, as you’ll see below.

Annual cost of full coverage insurance Clean record DUI Percent difference
Overall $1,726 $3,075 78%
Allstate $1,905 $2,474 30%
Esurance $1,415 $3,530 149%
GEICO $1,553 $1,766 14%
Nationwide $1,415 $1,931 36%
Progressive $1,761 $2,491 41%
State Farm $1,805 $2,747 52%
USAA $1,616 $2,713 68%

However, take these rates with a grain of salt, as your ZIP code in Maryland, among other factors, will influence the increase you’ll face with a DUI.

Will You Be Covered?

Your car insurance may or may not cover you if you get into a car accident while driving under the influence. The insurer might try to argue that you intentionally caused the accident by drinking and driving, especially if you caused injuries to others both inside and outside your car. However, it’s unlikely your insurer would deny a collision claim. Still, if your provider refuses to cover your losses, you might need to hire a lawyer to be made whole again.2

How to Find Car Insurance After a DUI

After a DUI conviction is placed on your driving record, insurance companies will consider you a high-risk driver. Many insurers don’t accept high-risk drivers, and those that do accept high-risk drivers elevate their prices to account for future losses, which previous losses indicate. So, where can you go to satisfy Maryland’s insurance minimums or more?

Best and Cheapest Options

The best car insurance in Maryland for someone with a DUI — and one of the cheapest options — is GEICO. GEICO’s average annual rate after a DUI is $1,766, only 14 percent higher than what the insurer charges drivers with clean records. Other top options include Nationwide, Allstate, and Progressive.


Dive deeper into GEICO’s auto insurance costs.


If you’ve searched high and low for auto insurance in Maryland after getting a DUI and have come up short, you can use Maryland Auto Insurance, formerly Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund. This program is for people with multiple offenses on their driving records, making them high-risk drivers.

You may already be eligible and not even have to apply. If you have three or more violations on your driving record within a calendar year, Maryland Auto Insurance will send you a letter with information on reexamination, making sure your violations aren’t due to specific medical issues. At a branch office, you’ll take a driving, law, and/or vision test, a failure of which will result in a license suspension. However, if you pass, Maryland Auto Insurance will help you find coverage for no fee.


Either get a quote online ( or find an agent ( guaranteed to cover eligible parties.3

How to Save

Even the best auto insurance for a DUI will be more expensive than insurance for someone with a clean driving record. However, there are some ways to save.

  1. Get minimum coverage. Maryland requires only liability coverage: $30,000 in bodily injury coverage per person and $60,000 per accident, and $15,000 in property damage coverage per accident. This is the cheapest option, but remember that liability coverage pays only for losses that occur outside your car; it doesn’t cover you, your passengers, or your property.
  2. Ask for discounts. Insurance companies offer a variety of discounts; ask your agent which ones you qualify for. For example, could you get a discount for taking a defensive driving course or enrolling in automatic billing?
  3. Raise your deductible. If you have collision or comprehensive coverage to protect your car, increasing the size of your deductible will lower your premiums. But don’t make it unaffordable, as you’ll need to pay your insurance deductible before your collision/comprehensive coverage kicks in.
  4. Lower your limits. Maybe you want a little more than minimum coverage. One option is to get those optional coverages but lower the limits. Of course, this means you’ll have to pay more out of pocket if you have losses above those limits, so keep the potential for future losses in mind.
  5. Drop unnecessary coverages. Last but not least, while we don’t recommend getting only minimum coverage, some optional coverages aren’t necessary, like collision and comprehensive coverage for an old car. You could also drop roadside assistance, rental car reimbursement, and other add-ons.


Finding auto insurance with a bad record isn’t easy, especially as the state of Maryland never lets insurance companies forget about your DUI. The good news is that if all else fails, the state will help you find coverage through Maryland Auto Insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Maryland handle an out-of-state DUI?

If you have an out-of-state DUI, Maryland’s Motor Vehicle Administration may give you points on your driving record that are similar to what you’d get if the DUI occurred in the state.

Does a DUI show up on a background check in Maryland?

Yes, a DUI will show up on a background check in Maryland. Points on your driving record are public information for three years following your violation date.

How do I get my license back after a DUI in Maryland?

To get your license back after a DUI in Maryland, you must pay the applicable fines, serve the required jail time, and/or participate in the ignition interlock or alcohol abuse assessment program, if required, and wait until your suspension or revocation period is over.

Is a DUI in Maryland a misdemeanor or a felony?

A DUI in Maryland is a misdemeanor, according to Section §21–902 of the Maryland General Assembly statutes.

Aliza Vigderman
Written by:Aliza Vigderman
Senior Writer & Editor
A seasoned journalist and content strategist with over 10 years of editorial experience in digital media, Aliza Vigderman has written and edited hundreds of articles on the site, covering everything from plan coverages to discounts to state laws. Previously, she was a senior editor and industry analyst at the home and digital security website, previously called Security Baron. She has also contributed to The Huffington Post, SquareFoot, and Degreed. Aliza studied journalism at Brandeis University.


  1. Maryland Impaired Driving Laws. Maryland Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Administration. (2023).

  2. DUI-Related Accidents and Car Insurance. NOLO. (2023).

  3. Find an Agent. Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund. (2019).