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Last updated: September 19, 2024

Finding Car Insurance in Michigan with a DUI

Your premium could more than double with a drunk-driving conviction on your record.

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More than 1 out of every 4 fatal motor vehicle crashes in Michigan involve a driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher, meaning they were impaired. Instead of using the abbreviation DUI (driving under the influence) to describe this offense, Michigan uses OMVI (operating a motor vehicle when intoxicated) and OWI (operating while intoxicated).

Penalties for OMVI/OWI convictions include fines, jail time, community service, points on your license, and, in the most extreme cases, vehicle immobilization. Plus, your car insurance premium will increase significantly with an OMVI/OWI on your record, but by how much?


Compare rates and coverage details via our guide to the top auto insurance providers for DUI so you can learn about the potential cost of insurance with such an offense on your record. Annual premiums from National General, Progressive, and State Farm typically increase the least compared to other auto insurance carriers.

DUI Laws in Michigan

First, let’s differentiate between OMVIs and OWIs, which in other states may be called DUIs or DWIs:

  • OMVI: Operating a motor vehicle while visibly intoxicated means the person has a BAC of 0.08 percent or higher, or, under the state’s “Super Drunk” laws, 0.17 or higher, and their ability to drive is visibly impaired due to their alcohol consumption.1
  • OWI: The person is under the influence of alcohol due to a BAC of 0.08 percent or higher and tested to be under the influence but was not visibly impaired.2


In addition to potential fines, jail time, and community service, operating a vehicle in Michigan while intoxicated will yield you six points on your driving record.3

Penalties by offense number 1st 2nd within 7 years of 1st 3rd and subsequent regardless of how much time has passed 1st 2nd and subsequent within 7 years of prior convictions All 1st 2nd within 7 years of 1st 3rd and subsequent regardless of how much time has passed
Crime Operating while intoxicated (alcohol or drugs) Operating while intoxicated (alcohol or drugs) Operating while intoxicated (alcohol or drugs) Operating while intoxicated, under the age of 21 Operating while intoxicated, under the age of 21 Driving while impaired Visibly impaired Visibly impaired Visibly impaired
Charge Misdemeanor Misdemeanor Felony Misdemeanor Misdemeanor Misdemeanor Misdemeanor Misdemeanor Felony
Fine BAC under 0.17: $100-$500

BAC over 0.17: $200-$700

$200-$1,000 $500-$5,000 $250 maximum $500 maximum and may have to pay costs of prosecution $100-$500 $300 maximum $200-$1,000 $500-$5,000
Jail time (maximum) BAC under 0.17: 93 days

BAC over 0.17: 180 days

5 days- 1 year Either:

Imprisonment: 1-5 years

Probation and imprisonment in a county jail: 30 days-1 year

48 hours must be served consecutively

None 93 days 93 days 93 days 5 days-1 year Either

imprisonment under jurisdiction of department of corrections: 1-5 years

Probation with imprisonment in county jail: 30 days-1 year

Or community service

Community service 360 hours maximum 30-90 days 60-180 days 360 hours maximum 60 days maximum None 360 hours maximum 30-90 days 60-180 days
Points on license 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Vehicle immobilization No No Possible or could be forfeited None None None None None Possible or could be forfeited

You may also face a license suspension after a drunk-driving conviction, which could affect your car insurance premium even more. Here are the license suspension penalties for a first OMVI or OWI offense.

  • BAC below 0.17 percent: 180 days maximum
  • BAC 0.17 percent or higher: 1 year maximum

How Long an OWI/OMVI Stays on Your Record

A drunk-driving offense will stay on your record for two years following your date of conviction.

Are SR-22s Required?

Michigan does not require SR-22s, which prove you have the minimum amount of insurance required, following license reinstatement.

How OWIs and OMVIs Affect Your Car Insurance

Car insurance in Michigan is expensive to begin with, with an average annual cost of $1,419 — the third-highest in the U.S. after Louisiana and New York.4 But with a drunk-driving conviction on your record, your premium will likely skyrocket.

Average Costs

After an OWI/OMVI charge, Michigan car insurance rates increase by an average of 175 percent.

Average annual cost of car insurance in Michigan by car insurance company With clean record With OWI/OMVI conviction on record Percentage increase
Overall $3,182 $8,746 175%
AAA $3,478 $6,950 100%
Auto-Owners $2,113 $4,446 110%
Esurance $3,551 $4,646 31%
GEICO $1,696 $8,192 383%
Nationwide $2,561 $3,285 28%
Progressive $2,036 $2,513 23%
State Farm $4,223 $7,351 74%
The Hanover $6,647 $7,922 19%
Travelers $2,610 $6,208 138%
USAA $1,128 $1,911 69%

This is a much larger increase than in other states. DUIs in Oregon, for example, bump insurance premiums by only 54 percent, according to our proprietary data.

Will You Be Covered?

Your current insurance company may not want to cover you after a DUI conviction due to what it views as your recklessness and negligence. However, if the provider wants to cancel your car insurance policy mid-term, it must notify you at least 30 days before your policy expires or 20 days prior for non-renewal at the end of the term.

How to Find Car Insurance After an OWI/OMVI

Finding Michigan car insurance with a drunk-driving conviction on your record can be challenging because companies will consider you a high-risk driver. Fortunately, the state guarantees it will find a provider that will accept you.

Best and Cheapest Options

The cheapest and best auto insurance in Michigan after a drunk-driving conviction is from USAA, Progressive, and Nationwide, on average.


USAA, the most affordable option, is available only to military members, veterans, and their families, so it’s not open to many Michigan residents.


But what if you’ve searched high and low for high-risk Michigan car insurance and haven’t been able to find an insurer that wants you as a customer? In that case, you have two options at your disposal.

  • Michigan Automobile Insurance Placement Facility (MAIPF): If you couldn’t find car insurance through the free market, you can get placed through the MAIPF, which all licensed insurance agents in Michigan are required to participate in.5 If you’ve exhausted all other options, you can find an agent online at
  • Self-insurance: Do you own more than 25 vehicles? You may be able to provide a bond instead of obtaining car insurance to prove your financial responsibility to the state. However, self-insurance is at the discretion of Michigan’s insurance commissioner, so there’s no guarantee you’ll be allowed to insure your own cars.

How to Save

Once you’ve found a company that will accept you, use these tips to get cheap car insurance in Michigan:

  1. Get minimum coverage. Getting minimum coverage is the cheapest option in Michigan no matter your provider. Even better, the minimum is pretty extensive compared to other states.
    • $50,000 in bodily injury liability per person
    • $100,000 in bodily injury liability per accident
    • $1 million for property damage liability per accident that occurs in Michigan or $10,000 per accident that occurs outside of Michigan
    • Personal injury protection (PIP) up to the amount you need for all necessary medical expenses and lost wages, plus $20 per day in replacement services, in some casesNote, however, that full coverage will cover you more after an accident, so even though it’s more expensive upfront than minimum coverage, this extra protection could pay off later, especially for a high-risk driver.
  2. Opt out of PIP. Some seniors in Michigan can opt out of PIP if a named insured has Medicare Part A or Part B, or any household member has Part C. Rather than PIP, they can use Medicare to cover any injuries from a car accident.
  3. Bundle multiple policies or vehicles. If you have multiple types of insurance policies, like home and auto, or multiple vehicles, bundle them all under the same provider to save money.


Michigan has the 13th-highest rate of homeownership in the U.S. at 72 percent.7 These homeowners can save money by bundling home and auto insurance.


To avoid legal penalties and increased car insurance rates (not to mention accidents and injuries), make sure you drive sober, especially if you’re under the age of 21. To learn more about the consequences of drunk driving in Michigan, read our frequently asked questions below.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a DUI affect car insurance in Michigan?

A DUI, called an OWI or OMVI in Michigan, will affect car insurance for two years in Michigan. That’s how long the points for the offense will stay on your driving record.

What is an SR-22 in Michigan?

An SR-22 is a form that proves you have the state’s minimum insurance requirements, but Michigan doesn’t require it. Instead, it uses financial responsibility restricted licenses for people whose licenses have been suspended due to financial responsibility judgments.

How do I know if I need an SR-22 in Michigan?

Michigan doesn’t require SR-22s, so you won’t need one.

What is the difference between DUI and OWI in Michigan?

Michigan does not use the abbreviation DUI for driving under the influence. Rather, it uses the term “operating while under the influence,” or OWI. Essentially, an OWI in Michigan is equivalent to a DUI in other states. It describes the offense when someone drives with a BAC of 0.08 percent or higher.

Aliza Vigderman
Written by:Aliza Vigderman
Senior Writer & Editor
A seasoned journalist and content strategist with over 10 years of editorial experience in digital media, Aliza Vigderman has written and edited hundreds of articles on the site, covering everything from plan coverages to discounts to state laws. Previously, she was a senior editor and industry analyst at the home and digital security website, previously called Security Baron. She has also contributed to The Huffington Post, SquareFoot, and Degreed. Aliza studied journalism at Brandeis University.


  1. Driving Regulations. RoyalOak. (2023).

  2. MICHIGAN VEHICLE CODE. Michigan Legislature. 1949.

  3. Chapter 2: Your Driving Record. (2023).

  4. 2019/2020 Auto Insurance Database Report. National Association of Insurance Commissioners. (2023, Jan).

  5. Servicing Carriers. (2023).

  6. DIFS Insurance and Financial Services Search. Department of Insurance and Financial Services. (2023).

  7. Housing Vacancies and Homeownership (CPS/HVS). United States Census. (2023).