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Last updated: September 19, 2024

Speeding Ticket Impact on Insurance in Michigan

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In 2021, more than 1 out of every 4 fatal motor vehicle crashes in Michigan involved speeding, accounting for 27 percent of deadly accidents. But you needn’t die from speeding to face consequences for driving above the posted limit.

In the Great Lake State, speeding is a civil infraction, so if you’re ticketed, it’s punishable by a fine. While you won’t be at risk of imprisonment or having to do community service, one significant penalty you’ll likely have to deal with is higher insurance costs, as insurance companies charge more for high-risk drivers with a speeding ticket on their record.

How a Speeding Ticket Affects Your Insurance in Michigan

Premiums for car insurance in Michigan increase by an average of 52 percent following a speeding ticket, a substantial amount compared to other states. Of course, average insurance costs vary by ZIP code, as well as other demographic information, vehicle information, and the rest of your driving history, so the rates listed below aren’t necessarily what you’ll pay with a ticket on your driving record.

Average annual cost of car insurance in Michigan by provider Cost with clean record Cost with speeding ticket on record Increase
Amco Insurance $3,490 $4,530 30%
American Select Insurance Company $2,404 $2,749 14%
Auto-Owners $2,152 $2,455 14%
Bristol West $4,554 $5,323 17%
Encompass $4,012 $4,476 12%
Farmers $4,441 $5,863 32%
Frankenmuth $2,538 $3,012 19%
GEICO $1,346 $2,998 123%
Grange $2,897 $3,172 9%
Nationwide $3,186 $3,606 13%
Progressive $1,769 $2,255 27%
State Farm $4,343 $5,280 22%
Travelers $2,246 $4,260 90%
USAA $1,375 $1,793 30%


As of 2020, the annual cost of car insurance in Michigan was $1,419, the third most expensive in the U.S. after Louisiana and New York.1 Following a speeding ticket, expect rates around $2,156.

As long as a speeding ticket is on your driving record, you’ll see higher insurance rates and points to your license. You may also lose out on any good driver discounts you had previously. However, there are ways to minimize the cost increases you’ll face.

How to Lower Premiums for Insurance After a Speeding Ticket

With a speeding ticket on your record, insurers will likely consider you a high-risk driver and raise your rates. Here’s how to get more affordable insurance from the cheapest car insurance companies in Michigan after a speeding ticket.

  1. Take a defensive driving course. You may be able to get lower auto insurance rates by taking a defensive driving course with some insurance providers. Ask your agent what discounts are available.
  2. Take the Basic Driver Improvement Course (BDIC). If you receive a letter in the mail saying you’re eligible, taking a BDIC will prevent the state from adding points to your driving record and even sending the ticket information to your insurance company. You’ll still have to pay the ticket and court costs, however. You’re eligible for this opportunity only if you have two or fewer points on your record, you were not driving a commercial vehicle, and you meet other requirements. The course itself will cost a maximum of $100 and will take at least four hours of instruction, either online or in person. Find a sponsor at
  3. Get minimum coverage. Michigan’s minimum coverage is the cheapest option, although it’s still pretty extensive compared to other states and is one of the reasons why Michigan car insurance is so expensive. Below are the minimum coverages and limits.
    • Bodily injury liability coverage: $50,000 per person, $100,000 per accident
    • Property damage liability coverage: $1 million for accidents that occur within Michigan or $10,000 for accidents that occur outside of Michigan
    • Personal injury protection (PIP): All necessary expenses covered, including medical expenses, lost wages, and $20 per day in replacement services, in some cases
  4. Opt out of PIP. Senior drivers in Michigan can opt out of personal injury protection (PIP) and save money if they have a named insured under Medicare Parts A or B, or any household members under Medicare Part C, another Michigan insurance policy, or any other qualifying health insurance.2 Medicare can apply to auto accident injuries in place of PIP, ensuring you’re not paying twice for the same coverage for policies issued or renewed after July 1, 2020.
  5. Join the high-risk pool. If you’ve looked everywhere and are having trouble finding high-risk car insurance in Michigan, you can join the Michigan Automobile Insurance Placement Facility as a last resort. Find an agent via

Speeding Penalties in Michigan

The good news is that, besides higher insurance premiums, speeding in Michigan will land you only a fine and points on your driver’s license — not imprisonment, community service, or other, more severe penalties.

State Penalties

The state sets the potential minimum points on your driving record and fines for speeding in its Vehicle Code.4 Court costs range from $29 to $44 in addition to your fine.5

Miles per hour (mph) over the speed limit Points Minimum fine
1-5 0 $10
6-10 1 $20
11-15 2 $30
16-25 3 $40
26 or more 4 $50


If you have six or more one-point violations or 12 or more points on your driving record within two years, you’ll have to take a driver assessment reexamination. After the examination, your license could be suspended for up to a year.

Local Penalties

Keep in mind that the state fines are minimums, so actual fines for speeding in various municipalities may be much more expensive. We’ve compiled fines in a few Michigan locations — Kent,6 Grand Traverse County,7 and Royal Oak8 — as examples.

Amount over speed limit in miles per hour (mph) Fine in Kent Fine in Grand Traverse County Fine in Royal Oak
1 $115 $120 $130
2 $115 $120 $130
3 $115 $120 $130
4 $115 $120 $130
5 $115 $120 $130
6 $115 $130 $135
7 $115 $130 $135
8 $115 $130 $135
9 $115 $130 $135
10 $115 $130 $135
11 $125 $150 $170
12 $125 $150 $170
13 $125 $150 $170
14 $125 $150 $170
15 $125 $150 $170
16 $135 $180 Not listed
17 $135 $180 Not listed
18 $135 $180 Not listed
19 $135 $180 Not listed
20 $135 $180 Not listed
21 $145 $205 Not listed
22 $145 $205 Not listed
23 $145 $205 Not listed
24 $145 $205 Not listed
25 $145 $205 Not listed
26 $175 See magistrate Not listed
27 $175 See magistrate Not listed
28 $175 See magistrate Not listed
29 $175 See magistrate Not listed
30 $175 See magistrate Not listed
31 $195 See magistrate Not listed
32 $195 See magistrate Not listed
33 $195 See magistrate Not listed
34 $195 See magistrate Not listed
35 $195 See magistrate Not listed
36 and more Contact the court See magistrate Not listed

What to Do After You Get a Speeding Ticket

If you’re issued a citation for speeding in Michigan, you can either plead guilty and pay the ticket, or plead not guilty and contest the ticket.

Pay the Ticket

The easiest way to pay the ticket is online at Your ticket should have instructions on it with other payment options, however.

Contest the Ticket

Contesting a ticket looks different based on where the violation occurred. In Lansing, you’ll request a formal or informal hearing (attorneys are allowed at formal hearings only). If you’re found responsible, you’ll have to pay the judgment. However, you can appeal the decision within 14 days. But keep in mind that even if you appeal, you’ll have to post a bond equal to the amount of the judgment, which will be returned to you only if the decision is overturned.9

Given that civil infractions in Michigan come with fines only, it will probably be easier to simply pay the ticket rather than contest it and possibly go through the appeals process, especially if you have to hire a lawyer.

More Traffic Violations That Affect Insurance

Besides speeding, other traffic violations that add points to your driving record and make your insurance more expensive in Michigan include the following: 

  • Careless driving
  • Disobeying a school crossing guard, traffic signal, or stop sign
  • Drag racing
  • Failing to stop and give identification at the scene of a crash, also known as a hit-and-run
  • Failure to stop at a railroad crossing or school bus 
  • Failure to yield, causing death or injury to an emergency responder, construction worker, or person operating implements of animal husbandry
  • Failure to yield or show due caution for emergency vehicles
  • Fleeing or eluding a police officer
  • Having a blood alcohol content level over 0.00 percent if you are under the age of 21
  • Impaired driving, otherwise known as driving under the influence (DUI)
  • Improper passing
  • Manslaughter, negligent homicide, or other felony involving the use of a motor vehicle
  • Any moving violation that causes injury or death
  • Having an open alcohol container in a vehicle
  • Operating while intoxicated or with any presence of a Schedule 1 drug or cocaine
  • Reckless driving
  • Refusal of breath test by anyone under 21
  • Refusal to take a chemical alcohol test


Finding the best auto insurance in Michigan is certainly harder with a bad driving record, especially since the state doesn’t allow companies to base rates on credit score, marital status, or gender. That means that driving history is more influential when determining your premium, and you won’t benefit from having good credit, being married, or being female, as you may in other states.

However, a speeding ticket won’t stay on your record forever, so in the meantime, try not to incur any additional traffic violations to keep your rates low and your wallet full.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a speeding ticket stay on your record for insurance in Michigan?

A speeding ticket will stay on your driving record for two years following the date of your conviction, according to Michigan law. Expect your insurance premium to increase for two years with a speeding ticket on your record.

Can I get a speeding ticket removed from my record in Michigan?

You cannot get a speeding ticket removed from your record in Michigan before the required time period has elapsed. Traffic offenses aren’t expungeable, according to the Michigan Department of Attorney General. However, the ticket will automatically be removed from your record two years after your conviction date.

Does Michigan report speeding tickets to other states?

No, Michigan does not report speeding tickets to other states, as it is not a member of the Driver License Compact, according to the Council of State Governments.

Aliza Vigderman
Written by:Aliza Vigderman
Senior Writer & Editor
A seasoned journalist and content strategist with over 10 years of editorial experience in digital media, Aliza Vigderman has written and edited hundreds of articles on the site, covering everything from plan coverages to discounts to state laws. Previously, she was a senior editor and industry analyst at the home and digital security website, previously called Security Baron. She has also contributed to The Huffington Post, SquareFoot, and Degreed. Aliza studied journalism at Brandeis University.


  1. 2019/2020 Auto Insurance Database Report. National Association of Insurance Commissioners. (2023, Jan).

  2. Automobile Insurance for Seniors. Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services. (2020, Jul 1).

  3. DIFS Insurance and Financial Services Search. Department of Insurance and Financial Services. (2023).

  4. MICHIGAN VEHICLE CODE (EXCERPT). Michigan Legislature. (1949).

  5. House Fiscal Policy. State of Michigan House of Representatives. (1999, Nov).

  6. 63rd District Court Traffic/Civil Infractions. AccessKent. (2023).

  7. SPEEDING / OTHER TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS. Grand Traverse County. (2023).

  8. Traffic Fines. RoyalOak. (2023).

  9. What should I do if I receive a traffic ticket? Andy Schor, Mayor. (2023).