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Last updated: August 18, 2023

How a Speeding Ticket Impacts Your Insurance in South Dakota

Going over the speed limit is a Class 2 misdemeanor in the Mount Rushmore State.

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From 2011 to 2021, there were a total of 1,256 fatal car crashes in South Dakota, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Association’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System. Of those, 344 involved speeding, representing 27 percent of deadly accidents. In some years, like 2018, 35 percent of fatal crashes involved speeding — more than a third of the total.

Aside from the physical dangers of speeding, getting a ticket for driving beyond the posted limit can impact the cost of your car insurance, not to mention the additional penalties and potential imprisonment you could face. Here’s everything you need to know about the impact of a speeding ticket in South Dakota.

How Speeding Tickets Affect Car Insurance

On average, car insurance rates in South Dakota increase by 17 percent after a speeding ticket, although the amount ranges from 4 to 68 percent — that’s quite the rate hike for driving over the speed limit.

Annual cost of car insurance in South Dakota Clean record Record with speeding ticket Percentage difference
Farmers Mutual of Nebraska $1,086 $1,217 12%
State Farm $1,242 $1,295 4%
USAA $1,337 $1,484 11%
Farmers $1,272 $1,736 36%
American Family $1,070 $1,798 68%
Progressive $1,655 $2,147 30%
North Star Mutual $1,775 $2,217 25%
Iowa Farm Bureau $1,933 $2,334 21%
Western National $2,168 $2,373 9%

Finding Affordable Insurance After a Speeding Ticket

There’s no way to avoid increased auto insurance prices following a speeding ticket. However, you can still try to keep your costs as low as possible.

  1. Get minimum coverage. South Dakota requires that you have liability coverage in the amounts of 25/50/25: $25,000 of bodily injury liability coverage per person, $50,000 of bodily injury liability coverage per accident, and $50,000 of property damage liability coverage. You’ll also need uninsured and underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage with the same minimum limits as your injury liability limits.1
  2. Apply discounts. You may be able to save money by taking a defensive driving course, enrolling in paperless billing, or having a student in your family with a high GPA. Ask your agent if any discounts apply to you.
  3. Drop coverages. If you don’t want minimum coverage but still want to save, drop nonessential coverages like roadside assistance and rental car coverage. However, we recommend keeping comprehensive and collision coverage as well as uninsured/underinsured property damage coverage along with the minimum requirements. That way, your car’s damages are covered for accidents you caused and for damages from non-collision events like vandalism.
  4. Lower your limits. Another option is keeping your existing coverages but lowering your limits.
  5. Raise your deductibles. Increasing the size of your collision/comprehensive deductible will save you money on premiums.
  6. Bundle policies. If you have multiple types of insurance policies, bundling them under the same provider could unlock some significant discounts.
  7. Shop around. Make sure you’re comparing quotes from different car insurance companies to see how much insurance after a speeding ticket will cost with various providers. Make sure to include the exact same information, including your ZIP code and desired coverages, on each request for comparable auto insurance quotes.

Your premium after a speeding ticket will remain high as long as the speeding ticket stays on your driving record. After that period is over, your premium will decrease.

The Cost of Speeding Tickets in South Dakota

Speeding violations are Class 2 misdemeanor in the state of South Dakota, no matter how many miles per hour you were going over the limit.2

Location Minimum speed allowed Maximum speed allowed
Street/highway Varies 65
Interstate highways 40 80
Divided 4-lane highways in rural area

State trunk highway system

Varies 70
Parts of highways under county jurisdiction Varies Varies
Township roads Varies 55
Urban areas not zoned/posted Varies 25
Within 50 feet of obstructed railways crossing Varies 15
School zones Varies 15
Within 50 feet of intersections with obstructed view Varies 15
Bridges, causeways, or viaducts Varies Varies
Limited speed zones, like highway work areas, or interstate highways during weather, traffic, or road surface conditions Varies Varies

The penalties for a Class 2 misdemeanor are either a maximum of 30 days in a county jail, a fine of up to $500, or both. Fines double in limited speed zones, although they still can’t exceed the $500 maximum. There are no enhanced penalties for second, third, or subsequent violations unless the defendant was convicted of or pleaded guilty or no contest to a prior offense.

Your Options After a Speeding Ticket

You got caught speeding in South Dakota and received a ticket. What should you do now?

Pay the Fine

The easiest option is to pay for the ticket as soon as possible, assuming you don’t contest it. You can do so online at

Or go through your county clerk via mail, in-person, or phone.3

County Mailing address Physical address Phone number
Aurora County P.O. Box 366

Plankinton, SD 57368-0366

401 N. Main St. Plankinton, SD 57368 (605) 942-7165
Beadle County 450 3rd Street SW

Huron, SD 57350

450 3rd St. SW

Huron, SD 57350

(605) 353-7165
Bennett County P.O. Box 281

Martin, SD 57551-0281

205 State St.

Martin, SD 57551

(605) 685-6969
Bon Homme County P.O. Box 6

Tyndall, SD 57066-0006

300 W. 18th Ave. Tyndall, SD 57066 (605) 589-4215
Brookings County 314 6th Ave., Suite 6

Brookings, SD 57006-2085

314 6th Ave., Suite 6

Brookings, SD 57006-2085

(605) 688-4200
Brown County 101 1st Ave. SE, Suite 200

Aberdeen, SD 57402

101 1st Ave. SE, Suite 200

Aberdeen, SD 57402

(605) 626-2451
Brule County Buffalo County 300 S. Courtland #111

Chamberlain, SD 57325

300 S. Courtland #111

Chamberlain, SD 57325

(605) 734-4580
Butte County P.O. Box 250

Belle Fourche, SD 57717-0250

839 5th Ave.

Belle Fourche, SD 57717

(605) 892-2516
Campbell County P.O. Box 146

Mound City, SD 57646-0146

111 2nd St. NE

Mound City, SD 57646

(605) 955-3536
Charles Mix County P.O. Box 640

Lake Andes, SD 57356-0640

400 E. Main St.

Lake Andes, SD 57356

(605) 487-7511
Clark County P.O. Box 294

Clark, SD 57225-0294

200 N. Commercial St.

Clark, SD 57225

(605) 532-5851
Clay County P.O. Box 377

Vermillion, SD 57069-0377

211 W. Main St.

Vermillion, SD 57069

(605) 677-6756
Codington County 14 1st Ave. SE

Watertown, SD 57201

14 1st Ave. SE Watertown, SD 57201 (605) 882-5095
Corson County P.O. Box 175

McIntosh, SD 57641-0175

212 1st Ave. E

McIntosh, SD 57641

(605) 273-4201
Custer County 420 Mt. Rushmore Road,

Suite 6

Custer, SD 57730

420 Mt. Rushmore Road,

Suite 6

Custer, SD 57730

(605) 673-4816
Davison County 200 E. 4th St.

Mitchell, SD 57301

200 E. 4th St.

Mitchell, SD 57301

(605) 995-8105
Day County 711 W. 1st St. #201

Webster, SD 57274-1359

711 W. 1st St. #201

Webster, SD 57274

(605) 345-3771

(605) 345-3785

Deuel County P.O. Box 308

Clear Lake, SD 57226-0308

408 4th St.

Clear Lake, SD 57226

(605) 874-2120
Dewey County P.O. Box 96

Timber Lake, SD 57656-0096

710 C St.

Timber Lake, SD 57656

(605) 865-3566
Douglas County P.O. Box 36

Armour, SD 57313-0036

706 Braddock

Armour, SD 57313

(605) 724-2585
Edmunds County P.O. Box 384

Ipswich, SD 57451-0384

210 2nd St.

Ipswich, SD 57451

(605) 426-6671
Fall River County 906 North River St.

Hot Springs, SD 57747-1387

906 North River St.

Hot Springs, SD 57747

(605) 745-5131
Faulk County P.O. Box 357

Faulkton, SD 57438-0357

110 9th Ave.

Faulkton, SD 57438

(605) 598-6223
Grant County 210 E. 5th Ave.

Milbank, SD 57252

210 E. 5th Ave.

Milbank, SD 57252

(605) 432-5482
Gregory County P.O. Box 430

Burke, SD 57523-0430

221 E. 8th St.

Burke, SD 57523

(605) 775-2665
Haakon County P.O. Box 70

Philip, SD 57567-0070

140 S. Howard

Philip, SD 57567

(605) 859-2627
Hamlin County P.O. Box 256

Hayti, SD 57241-0256

350 4th St. #2

Hayti, SD 57241

(605) 783-3751
Hand County 415 W. 1st Ave. #11

Miller, SD 57362

415 W. 1st Ave. #11 Miller, SD 57362 (605) 853-3337
Hanson County P.O. Box 127

Alexandria, SD 57311-0127

440 Main St.

Alexandria, SD 57311

(605) 239-4446
Harding County P.O. Box 534

Buffalo, SD 57720-0534

410 Ramsland St. Buffalo, SD 57720 (605) 375-3351
Hughes County P.O. Box 1238

Pierre, SD 57501-1238

104 E. Capitol Ave. Pierre, SD 57501 (605) 773-3713
Hutchinson County 140 Euclid, Room 36

Olivet, SD 57052-2103

140 Euclid, Room 36

Olivet, SD 57052

(605) 387-4215
Hyde County P.O. Box 306

Highmore, SD 57345-0306

412 Commercial Ave.

Highmore, SD 57345

(605) 852-2512
Jackson County P.O. Box 128

Kadoka, SD 57543-0128

1 Main St. S

Kadoka, SD 57543

(605) 837-2122
Jerauld County P.O. Box 435

Wessington Springs, SD 57382-0435

205 Wallace Ave. S

Wessington Springs, SD 57382

(605) 539-1202
Jones County P.O. Box 448

Murdo, SD 57559-0448

310 Main St.

Murdo, SD 57559-0448

(605) 669-2361
Kingsbury County P.O. Box 176

DeSmet, SD 57231-0176

202 2nd St.

DeSmet, SD 57231

(605) 854-3811
Lake County 200 E. Center


SD 57042-2941

200 E. Center Madison, SD 57042 (605) 256-5644
Lawrence County P.O. Box 626

Deadwood, SD 57732-0626

90 Sherman St. Deadwood, SD 57732 (605) 578-2040
Lincoln County 104 N. Main St.

Canton, SD 57013-1732

104 N. Main St.

Canton, SD 57013

(605) 987-5891
Lyman County P.O. Box 235

Kennebec, SD


300 S. Maine St. Kennebec, SD 57544 (605) 869-2277
Marshall County P.O. Box 130

Britton, SD 57430-0130

911 Vander Horck Britton, SD 57430 (605) 448-5213
McCook County P.O. Box 504

Salem, SD 57058-0504

130 W. Essex Ave. Salem, SD 57058 (605) 425-2781
McPherson County P.O. Box 248

Leola, SD 57456-0248

706 Main St.

Leola, SD 57456

(605) 439-3361
Meade County P.O. Box 939

Sturgis, SD 57785-0939

1425 Sherman St. Sturgis, SD 57785 (605) 347-4411
Mellette County P.O. Box 257

White River, SD 57579-0257

First & McKinley St. White River, SD 57579 (605) 259-3230
Miner County P.O. Box 265

Howard, SD 57349-0265

N. Main St. & Park Ave. Howard, SD 57349 (605) 772-4612
Minnehaha County 425 North Dakota Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57104 425 North Dakota Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57104 (605) 367-5900
Moody County P.O. Box 226

Flandreau, SD 57028-0226

101 E. Pipestone Ave. Flandreau, SD 57028 (605) 997-3181
Oglala Lakota County (Fall River County) 906 N. River St.

Hot Springs, SD 57747-1387

906 North River St. Hot Springs, SD 57747 (605) 745-5131
Pennington County P.O. Box 230

Rapid City, SD 57709-0230

315 St. Joseph St. #5 Rapid City, SD 57709 (605) 394-2575
Perkins County P.O. Box 426

Bison, SD 57620-0426

100 E. Main

Bison, SD 57620

(605) 244-5626
Potter County P.O. Box 67

Gettysburg, SD 57442-0067

201 S. Exene St. Gettysburg, SD 57442 (605) 765-9472
Roberts County 411 2nd Ave. E Sisseton, SD 57262-1403 411 2nd Ave. E. Sisseton, SD 57262-1403 (605) 698-3395
Sanborn County P.O. Box 56

Woonsocket, SD 57385-0056

604 W. 6th St.

Woonsocket, SD 57385

(605) 796-4515
Spink County 210 E. 7th Ave.

Redfield, SD 57469-1299

210 E. 7th Ave.

Redfield, SD 57469

(605) 472-4535
Stanley County P.O. Box 758

Ft. Pierre, SD 57532-0758

8 E. 2nd Ave.

Ft. Pierre, SD 57532

(605) 223-7735
Sully County P.O. Box 188

Onida, SD 57564-0188

700 Ash St.

Onida, SD 57564

(605) 258-2535
Tripp County

Todd County

P.O. Box 311

Winner, SD 57580-0311

200 E. 3rd Ave.

Winner, SD 57580

(605) 842-2266
Turner County P.O. Box 446

Parker, SD 57053-0446

400 S. Main Ave.

Parker, SD 57053

(605) 297-3115
Union County 209 E. Main St., Suite 230

Elk Point, SD 57025-0757

209 E. Main St., Suite 230

Elk Point, SD 57025

(605) 356-2132
Walworth County P.O. Box 328

Selby, SD 57472-0328

4304 4th Ave.

Selby, SD 57472

(605) 649-7311
Yankton County 410 Walnut St., Suite


Yankton, SD 57078

410 Walnut St., Suite


Yankton, SD 57078

(605) 668-3080
Ziebach County P.O. Box 306

Dupree, SD 57623-0306

601 Main St.

Dupree, SD 57623

(605) 365-5159

Your ticket will say whether or not you have to appear in court, or if a lawyer can appear for you.

Request a Hearing

The other option is to enter a plea before your ticket is due and appear in court. You can plead one of the following.

  • Guilty: You’ll make a statement and the judge will determine your fine, assuming it’s a local court.
  • Not guilty: If you plead not guilty and are contesting the ticket, you’ll have an optional dispositional conference or court trial. First, you’ll discuss your case with a city attorney. If you can’t settle, it will go to a trial before a judge, where you can present evidence and witnesses. Young drivers must have a parent or legal guardian present at court appearances.4


If you schedule a trial and don’t appear at it, a warrant will be issued for your arrest.

More Traffic Violations That Affect Insurance Costs

Speeding isn’t the only traffic violation that can raise the price of insurance. Here are a few other traffic violations to watch out for:

  • Improper passing
  • Improper turning
  • Not keeping enough distance between you and the vehicle in front of you
  • Not using required signals
  • Illegal use of mobile electronic devices while driving (a form of distracted driving)


In South Dakota, it’s illegal to text and drive. The offense is punishable by a $100 fine. However, you can use handheld electronic devices as long as you have a regular license, as opposed to a restricted license or a learner’s permit.


Over the last decade, the number of fatal car crashes that involved speeding in South Dakota decreased by 9 percent. From 2020 to 2021 alone, the decrease was 16 percent, which is even more impressive. While we’re happy that the trend is downward overall, hopefully the next few years’ data will show even more decreases. Speeding is entirely preventable. You can avoid a ton of property damage, medical issues, penalties, and imprisonment simply by adhering to the law.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a speeding ticket stay on your record in South Dakota?

The South Dakota Department of Public Safety says insurance companies, government agencies, and employers will be able to see your driving record only for the past three years. However, individuals can see their entire driving history.

What speed is reckless driving in South Dakota?

South Dakota’s Codified Laws do not specify a specific speed that is considered to be reckless driving. Rather, the state’s legislature defines it as driving at a speed “so as to endanger any person or property,” a class 1 misdemeanor, according to section 32-24.

How do you beat a speeding ticket in South Dakota?

To beat a speeding ticket in South Dakota, you first have to plead not guilty. Then you’ll have to provide evidence and witnesses during a trial to prove your innocence.

How many points is a speeding ticket in South Dakota?

A speeding ticket will add two points to your driving record in South Dakota, according to the state’s Department of Public Safety.

Aliza Vigderman
Written by:Aliza Vigderman
Senior Writer & Editor
A seasoned journalist and content strategist with over 10 years of editorial experience in digital media, Aliza Vigderman has written and edited hundreds of articles on the site, covering everything from plan coverages to discounts to state laws. Previously, she was a senior editor and industry analyst at the home and digital security website, previously called Security Baron. She has also contributed to The Huffington Post, SquareFoot, and Degreed. Aliza studied journalism at Brandeis University.


  1. Automobile Insurance. South Dakota Department of Labor Regulation. (2023).

  2. Codified Laws. South Dakota Legislature. (2023).

  3. South Dakota Unified Judicial System Clerk of Courts. South Dakota Unified Judicial System. (2023).

  4. Traffic/Ordinance Citation. City of Sioux Falls. (2023).