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The fine for driving without insurance rivals the average annual cost of a policy.
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Wyoming has the ninth-lowest average annual car insurance rate in the country. In 2020, drivers paid only $770 per year for car insurance, 36 percent less than the national average. Perhaps that’s part of the reason why only 6 percent of drivers lack insurance, half of the 12 percent rate of uninsured motorists nationally.
If you’re part of that 6 percent, or if you’re considering driving without insurance, read about the penalties first; despite the savings, breaking the law and risking financial responsibility out of pocket is simply not worth the risk.
If you’re caught driving without insurance, you’ll have seven days to produce proof. If you fail to produce proof of financial responsibility within this period, you will be charged with driving without fulfilling the state’s financial responsibility requirements, and the judge may order you to pay restitution.
Upon receiving notice of your conviction, you’ll have to file an SR-22, proof of the minimum amount of liability insurance, for three years. If you don’t produce an SR-22 within 30 days of the notice, your driver’s license or nonresident operating privileges will be suspended until you provide an SR-22.
A first conviction for failure to maintain liability coverage is a misdemeanor that can result in either or both of:
For second and subsequent convictions, the judge will make you surrender your registration and license plates. The county treasurer will hold them until the judge determines you’ve met your minimum coverage requirements under Wyoming law.
Proof can be in the form of either:
An SR-22 is a form that your car insurance provider will file with the state to prove that you have the minimum coverage it requires. If you fail to get insurance within 30 days, you’ll be required to carry an SR-22 for three years, which will result in a higher car insurance premium, as it designates you as a high-risk driver.
To find insurance after a lapse in coverage, the process will work the same way as usual. However, the major difference is that you may have trouble finding car insurance providers that want you as a customer, as a lapse in coverage means that you’re a bigger risk to the company. We recommend checking out the best car insurance for high-risk drivers for a greater likelihood that companies will accept your application. Get quotes from multiple companies before settling with one.
To appeal a fine from a trial court to an appellate court, you’ll need to file a notice of appeal with the clerk of the trial court within 30 days from the entry of the appealable order. Once the notice is filed, the court reporter will file with the clerk of the trial court within 60 days, and you’ll have to pay a filing fee.1
Learn more about the laws surrounding car insurance in Wyoming.
The only insurance you’re required to get legally is liability coverage, which pays for the other party’s losses in accidents you cause. You’ll need the following liability limits:
Registering your vehicle requires proof of insurance, along with:
You’ll register your vehicle through your local county treasurer’s office. See their contact information below.3
number |
name |
Treasurer name | Email address | Phone | Address | City | ZIP code | Website |
5 | Albany | Tracy Fletcher | tfletcher@co.albany.wy.us | (307) 721-2502 | 525 Grand Ave., Room 205 | Laramie | 82070 | https://www.co.albany.wy.us/267/Treasurer |
9 | Big Horn | Nicole Vigil | nicole.vigil@bighorncountywy.gov | (307) 568-2578 | Box 430 | Basin | 82410 | https://www.bighorncountywy.gov/departments/treasurer |
17 | Campbell | Rachel Knust | rek03@ccgov.net | (307) 682-7268 | Box 1027 | Gillette | 82717 | https://www.campbellcountywy.gov/309/Treasurer |
6 | Carbon | Lindsey West | Lindseywest@carbonwy.com | (307) 325-7807 | Box 7 | Rawlins | 82301 | https://www.carbonwy.com/951/County-Treasurer |
13 | Converse | Joel Schell | Joel.Schell@conversecountywy.gov | (307) 358-3120 | 107 N. Fifth St., Suite 129 | Douglas | 82633 | https://www.conversecountywy.gov/222/County-Treasurer |
18 | Crook | Tammy Jundt | tammyj@crookcounty.wy.gov | (307) 283-1244 | Box 160 | Sundance | 82729 | https://www.crookcounty.wy.gov/elected_officials/treasurer/index.php |
10 | Fremont | Jim Anderson | jim.anderson@fremontcountywy.gov | (307) 332-1105 | Box 465 | Lander | 82520 | https://fremontcountywy.org/government/elected_officials/treasurer/motor_vehicle/vehicle_licensing.php |
7 | Goshen | Leticia Dominguez | ldominguez@goshencounty.org | (307) 532-5151 | Box 878 | Torrington | 82240 | https://goshencounty.org/treasurers-office/ |
15 | Hot Springs | Julie Mortimore | juliem@hscounty.com | (307) 864-3616 | 415 Arapahoe | Thermopolis | 82443 | https://hscounty.com/departments/treasurer |
16 | Johnson | Carla Bishop | cbishop@johnsoncowy.us | (307) 684-7302 | 76 N. Main St. | Buffalo | 82834 | http://www.johnsoncountywyoming.org/departments/treasurer/ |
2 | Laramie | Tammy Deisch | Tammy.Deisch@laramiecountywy.gov | (307) 633-4225 | P.O. Box 125 | Cheyenne | 82003 | https://www.laramiecountywy.gov/_officials/CountyTreasurer/index.aspx |
12 | Lincoln | Jerry Greenfield | jgreenfield@lcwy.org | (307) 877-2040 | Box 630 | Kemmerer | 83101 | https://www.lincolncountywy.gov/government/treasurer/index.php |
1 | Natrona | Tom Doyle | tdoyle@natronacounty-wy.gov | (307) 235-9370 | Box 2300 | Casper | 82602 | https://www.natrona.net/95/Treasurer |
14 | Niobrara | Keri Thompson | kthompson@niobraracounty.org | (307) 334-2432 | Box 90 | Lusk | 82225 | https://www.niobraracounty.org/_departments/_treasurer/index.asp |
11 | Park | Barb Poley | bpoley@parkcounty.us | (307) 527-8630 | 1002 Sheridan Ave. | Cody | 82414 | https://parkcounty-wy.gov/county-treasurer/ |
8 | Platte | Kristi Rietz | krietz@plattecountywyoming.com | (307) 322-2092 | 806 Ninth St. | Wheatland | 82201 | https://www.plattecountywyoming.com/departments/Treasurer |
3 | Sheridan | Katie Araas | KAraas@sheridancountywy.gov | (307) 674-2520 | 224 S. Main #B3 | Sheridan | 82801 | https://www.sheridancounty.com/elected-offices/county-treasurer/ |
23 | Sublette | Emily Paravicini | Emily.Paravicini@sublettewyo.com | (307) 367-4373 | Box 296 | Pinedale | 82941 | https://www.sublettecountywy.gov/140/Treasurer |
4 | Sweetwater | Mark Cowan | Cowanm@sweetwatercountywy.gov | (307) 872-3720 | 80 W. Flaming Gorge Way | Green River | 82935 | https://www.sweetwatercountywy.gov/departments/treasurer/index.php |
22 | Teton | Katie Smits | ksmits@tetoncountywy.gov | (307) 733-4770 | Box 585 | Jackson | 83001 | https://www.tetoncountywy.gov/433/Treasurer |
19 | Uinta | Terry Brimhall | tebrimhall@uintacounty.com | (307) 783-0333 | Box 1530 | Evanston | 82931 | https://www.uintacounty.com/24/County-Treasurer |
20 | Washakie | Doris Kern | treasurer@washakiecounty.net | (307) 347-2031 | 1001 Big Horn Ave. Ste 104 | Worland | 82401 | https://www.washakiecounty.net/treasurer |
21 | Weston | Susan Overman | wctreasurer@rtconnect.net | (307) 746-2852 | 1 W. Main | Newcastle | 82701 | https://www.westongov.com/county-treasurer/ |
Like most states, Wyoming is an at-fault state, which means that in an accident, the at-fault driver is financially responsible for the other party’s bodily injuries and property damage. If the at-fault party’s insurance doesn’t cover the entirety of their losses, or if they were driving without insurance, the other party can sue them in a civil suit for their losses, given they were less than 50 percent responsible for the accident.
Wyoming has modified comparative negligence laws, so a party can’t sue another party for losses if they had half or the majority of the fault in the accident.
Make sure to file your personal injury and property damage claims within four years of an incident. If you don’t, your insurance company isn’t legally obligated to cover you due to the state’s statute of limitations.
Before companies cancel or do not renew your policy, they must let you know within a certain number of days before the policy’s expiration date. That way, you have time to find alternative coverage without risking a lapse in coverage. Companies have the following amounts of time to notify you before your policy expires:
Companies may decide not to renew your policy because they no longer serve your area, or if you’ve had a DUI or similar conviction and need an SR-22, making you a high-risk driver.
While driving without insurance may seem like an easy way to save hundreds of dollars, it could ultimately cost you even more, even if you’re not involved in an accident. We recommend buying more insurance than the minimum required, as it won’t apply to your losses in accidents you cause or losses from non-collision events like vandalism, theft, and inclement weather. Check out the best full coverage auto insurance, which includes collision, comprehensive, and uninsured motorist coverage, to find a provider near you.
County Treasurer Contact Info. Wyoming State Department of Transportation. (2023).