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Last updated: October 28, 2023

Guide to High-Risk Auto Insurance in Wyoming

Wyoming has the ninth-lowest average car insurance rates in the U.S. But what about the rates for high-risk drivers?

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A high-risk driver is someone who insurance companies think will cost them more money in claims. This group includes teen drivers, drivers with poor credit, and drivers with a traffic violation on their record, like an at-fault accident, DUI conviction, or speeding ticket. To account for these projected losses, insurance companies charge high-risk drivers more for the exact same coverage as other drivers.

But how much more should you expect to pay as a high-risk driver in Wyoming, a state with low average rates for car insurance?

How Much Is Car Insurance for High-Risk Drivers in Wyoming?

Car insurance in Wyoming costs anywhere from 37 percent to 201 percent more for high-risk drivers than people with a clean driving record, older drivers, and drivers with good credit. You’ll see the smallest increase if you’re considered a high-risk driver because of bad credit and the biggest increase if you’re a teen driver.

Average annual cost of car insurance in Wyoming based on status or offense on record Before high-risk status or offense With high-risk status or offense Percentage difference
At-fault accident $1,367 $2,237 64%
Bad credit $1,367 $1,871 37%
DUI $1,367 $3,014 121%
Speeding $1,367 $2,270 66%
Teen driver $1,367 $4,115 201%


In 2021, there were 102 fatal crashes in Wyoming. Of these, one-third involved someone driving under the influence of alcohol, 39 percent involved speeding, and 18 percent involved both alcohol and speeding — a deadly combination.

Note that these are average auto insurance rates across all car insurance companies in Wyoming. Quotes from top companies will differ based on your ZIP code, whether you seek full coverage car insurance or minimum coverage, etc. For example, the cheapest car insurance for you might be State Farm, but your neighbor may find more affordable car insurance with Allstate. Learn more about what affects car insurance rates in Wyoming.

Ways to Find Insurance

Wyoming doesn’t offer an assigned pool for high-risk drivers, so if you’re having trouble finding an insurance provider that will accept you, make sure you’re looking in the right place. Not all companies cater to substandard drivers, so you’ll want to look for the best high-risk auto insurance companies. Although they charge higher rates, some insurers cater to people with bad credit, DUIs, and assorted traffic violations.

You can always contact the auto insurance experts at, and we’ll shop the market for you, matching you with a licensed auto insurance company that wants you as a customer. Otherwise, you’ll have to request quotes from multiple companies on your own and hope they will want you as a customer. Whatever you do, be sure to compare quotes from different insurers to see which can provide you the best rate.


Never drive without insurance in Wyoming. If you can’t provide proof of insurance within a certain time frame, you’ll have to maintain an SR-22 form proving you have the minimum coverage. If you don’t, you could face up to six months of imprisonment, a fine up to $1,500, or both, for a first offense.

Getting Low Rates

Here’s how to lower auto insurance costs even as a high-risk driver in Wyoming:

  1. Choose minimum coverage. Wyoming requires only liability coverage with the following limits:
    • $25,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per person
    • $50,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per accident
    • $20,000 in property damage liability coverage1

      While liability coverage doesn’t apply to the property damages or your or your passengers’ injuries, it’s a good option if you can’t afford more coverage. Plus, in 2020, Wyoming had the fourth-lowest average annual premium for liability insurance: $343. That’s nearly half the national average, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.2

  2. Bundle multiple policies. Wyoming has the fourth-highest homeownership rate in the country, with three-quarters of residents owning homes.3 If you’re part of that 75 percent, ask your insurance agent for a discount for bundling home and auto insurance. Putting multiple policies under the same provider should save you money.
  3. Improve your credit score. If bad credit classified you as a high-risk driver, improving your credit score will lower your insurance premium. Try to limit the number of credit lines you apply for, pay off your debts, and pay bills on time to raise your score.
  4. Adjust your policy. Lowering limits, dropping unnecessary coverages, and raising your collision/comprehensive deductible will save you money as well.
  5. Ask for more discounts. Every insurance company offers different discounts. For example, one might reward you for having a student in your family with good grades. You could even get a discount for something as simple as enrolling in paperless billing or paying your policy in full. To find out how you can save, ask your insurance agent directly.
  6. Shop around. Don’t go with the first quote you receive. Rather, make sure to get quotes from at least three insurance companies before signing with one. If you’re not happy with your current premium, even with discounts, there’s no harm in requesting quotes from competitors, as you won’t receive a hard inquiry on your credit report until you actually apply for insurance.

    While quotes aren’t necessarily the price you’ll ultimately pay (which you won’t know for sure until you apply), they’ll give you a good ballpark idea of how much your auto insurance costs will be. One way to compare quotes easily is to use an insurance broker rather than an agent, as a broker can represent you to multiple companies.

Does the High-Risk Status Last Forever?

Being categorized as high-risk isn’t necessarily forever. If a driving offense led to this classification, you need to wait for the demerit to be removed from your record. Once that happens, it can’t affect your car insurance rate any longer. Violations are typically removed after three or five years, according to the state’s Department of Transportation.4

Violation How long it stays on record in years
Administrative per se/refusals 3
Lacking compulsory insurance 3
Moving violation 3
Nonresident violator of compact violations 3
Uninsured accident 3
Withdraw proof of financial responsibility 3
Accident judgment 5
Driving felony 5
Driving under the influence 5
Leaving the scene of an accident with injury 5
Reckless driving 5
Transporting liquor to a minor 5
Vehicular homicide 5

Compared to states like Virginia, in which certain violations can stay on your record for 11 years, Wyoming’s laws are fairly lenient.


To keep your premium low, improve your credit and avoid getting any more traffic violations. Insurance companies prefer customers with good credit and a clean driving record and reward them with lower car insurance rates. To learn more about high-risk drivers and insurance in Wyoming, read our list of frequently asked questions below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Wyoming a no-fault state?

No. Wyoming is an at-fault state when it comes to car insurance, meaning the at-fault driver must pay for the other party’s injuries and property damages. Additionally, the state has modified comparative negligence laws, so if you want to sue someone in a civil suit for your losses, you must be less than 50 percent at fault.

What is SR-22 insurance in Wyoming?

SR-22 insurance in Wyoming means the state requires your insurance company to file an SR-22 form with the DMV, proof that you have minimum coverage with the below limits:

  • Bodily injury liability coverage per person: $25,000
  • Bodily injury liability coverage per accident: $50,000
  • Property damage liability coverage per accident: $20,000

Wyoming will require you to get an SR-22 form if you are caught driving without insurance in an accident, driving under the influence, driving recklessly, or leaving the scene of an accident.

How long is an SR-22 required in Wyoming?

An SR-22 is required for three years following the conviction date in Wyoming.

How many moving violations before suspension in Wyoming?

You can have three moving violations in Wyoming and keep your license, but if you have four during a 12-month period, the state will suspend your driving privileges for 90 days. For each additional moving violation in this 12-month period, you’ll receive another 90-day ban. However, if you haven’t been issued a probationary license in the past five years, you may be eligible for limited driving privileges during your suspension period.

Aliza Vigderman
Written by:Aliza Vigderman
Senior Writer & Editor
A seasoned journalist and content strategist with over 10 years of editorial experience in digital media, Aliza Vigderman has written and edited hundreds of articles on the site, covering everything from plan coverages to discounts to state laws. Previously, she was a senior editor and industry analyst at the home and digital security website, previously called Security Baron. She has also contributed to The Huffington Post, SquareFoot, and Degreed. Aliza studied journalism at Brandeis University.



  2. 2019/2020 Auto Insurance Database Report. National Association of Insurance Commissioners. (2023, Jan).

  3. Housing Vacancies and Homeownership (CPS/HVS). United States Census. (2023).

  4. Driving Records. Wyoming Department of Transportation. (2023).